His Mission, Our Mission

His Mission, Our Mission 25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand Society of the Divine Word, Australia Province Thailand, 2024

Cover and logo design by Pronpol Paul Rakboonyuang Published by Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication, St John’s University, Vibhavadi Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900 Printed at SVD Bangkok, 103/37 Soi Ngamwongwan 30, Laksi, Bangkok, Thailand 10210 Copyright 2024 Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication, St John’s University, Thailand ISBN 978-974-487-167-1

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD 7 Message on the Occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the SVD Presence in Thailand-Myanmar Fr Paulus Budi Kleden SVD 12 Message From Provincial Superior Fr I. A. Rass SVD 16 คำอวยพรเนื่องในโอกำสฉลองครบรอบ 25 ปีของคณะพระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำใน ประเทศไทย / Congratulatory Message for the 25th Anniversary of SVD in Thailand Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai 19 Reflecting on 25 Years of Mission in Thailand: A Journey of Faith and Service Albano Da Costa SVD 23 Congratulations Message from AUS Province Counsillor Boni Buahendri SVD 26 SVD Thailand Timeline / ไทม์ไลน์เส้นทำงแห่งพระหรรษทำนของคณะ พระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำแห่งประเทศไทย 28 Q & A with Br Damien Lunders SVD / Q&A ภรำดำเดเมียน ลันเดอร์ส SVD 46 Q&A with Br Ron Fratzke SVD / Q&A ภรำดำรอน แฟรท์กี SVD 54

2 His Mission, Our Mission Embracing the Joys and Challenges of Missionary Life in Rural Thailand / โอบกอดควำมชื่นชมยินดีและควำมท้ำทำยในชีวิตธรรมทูตในพื้นที่อัน ห่ำงไกล Fr Truong Thong Le SVD 61 A Journey of Faith and Cultural Understanding / เส้นทำงแห่งควำมเชื่อและควำมเข้ำใจในวัฒนธรรม Fr Bernardus N. Bella SVD 65 Celebrating Diversity and Unity / เฉลิมฉลองควำมหลำกหลำยและควำมเป็นหนึ่งเดียว Fr Chanthavong Anisong SVD 69 Committing to Missionary Service / ทุ่มเทในงำนรับใช้ Fr Anthony Tat Binh Nguyen SVD 74 Forming Cultural and Spiritual Connections / สำยสัมพันธ์ทำงจิตวิญญำณ Fr Duc Linh Nguyen SVD 79 Bonds of Faith in Rural Thailand / ควำมผูกพันธ์ในควำมเชื่อ Fr Rajasekhar Reddy Bobba SVD 84 Meeting Challenges, Building Community / ยึดมั่นท่ำมกลำงควำมท้ำทำย Fr Peter Tran Hai Ha SVD 87 แบ่งปันประสบกำรณ์งำนธรรมทูตในประเทศไทย Fr Tran The Vinh SVD 90 A Place I Call Home / สถำนที่ที่ผมเรียกว่ำ “บ้ำน” Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD 92

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 3 แบ่งปันประสบกำรณ์งำนธรรมทูตในประเทศไทย Fr FX Pham Dinh Tuan SVD 97 Finding God’s Call: A Winding Journey to Missionary Vocation among Migrants / กำรค้นหำกำรทรงเรียกของพระเจ้ำ: กำรเดินทำงที่คดเคี้ยวสู่ กระแสเรียกธรรมทูตท่ำมกลำงบรรดำผู้อพยพ Deacon Peter Dang Quoc Cuong SVD 99 My Vocation Journey as an SVD Student / เส้นทำงกระแสเรียกในฐำนะนักศึกษำ Frt Bhumbodin Hiranrattanajinda SVD 105 Called to Missionary Life Novice Peter Hung Dinh Nguyen 113 7-Year Journey in Thailand: From Migrant Worker to Religious Life Novice Joseph Phan Van Thong 118 SVD House in Bangkok: The Place for the Wayfarer Tran Minh Nhat 122 พันธกิจของพระองค์คือพันธกิจของเรำ / His Mission is Our Mission Phornphan Inthisan Pothi 130 ควำมภำคภูมิใจที่ได้ทำงำนในมูลนิธิบ้ำนนิจจำนุเครำะห์ / Pride in Working at the Mother of Perpetual Help Center Bunklang Pimul 134 ชีวิตใหม่และควำมหวัง / A New Life Filled with Hope Petawan Chari 141

4 His Mission, Our Mission ประสบกำรณ์ร่วมงำนกับคณะ SVD / My Experience with SVD Missionaries Ratthiya Suwannaseth 145 Fresh Vegetables for Vietnamese Refugees Augustine Duc Trong 151 Collaborating with SVD Priests in Vietnamese Migrant Ministry Joseph Bui Dinh Anh 159 Mission on the Mat: Church Youth Group Shares Food, Life, and Hope Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD 163 A Summer to Remember: American Seminarians Experience Mission Work in Thailand Sergio Morales Rangel 176 Br Bernd Ruffing SVD: “I Tried to be a Brother to Those Who Needed Someone” SVD Australia News 180 OTP Experience in Thailand Has Deep Impact on Truong Le SVD Frt Truong Thong Le SVD 186 A Mother’s Legacy Reaches Thailand Gary and Barbara Grendys 192 Br Damien Lunders SVD Celebrates Golden Jubilee of Vows SVD Australia News 197 Thai District Gives Thanks for 20 Years of Mission SVD Australia News 202

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 5 Fr Toub Keeps Busy at Home with Acts of Service SVD Australia News 206 Thailand AIDS Education Program Targets Parents & Caregivers SVD Australia News 208 Learning the Language Key to Unlocking Culture in Mission SVD Australia News 211 SVDs in Thailand Reach out to Poor, Sick in Local Community SVD Australia News 214 Christmas Joy Comes to Thailand Hospice Patients, AIDS Centre Residents SVD Australia News 218 Fr Toub Returns to Thailand, Thankful for Lessons on God, Faith & Life SVD Australia News 221 New Role Fosters Research into Religion and Communication SVD Australia News 224 Following the Will of God SVD Chicago News 230 Fr Anthony Gives Lectures to PNG Seminarians on “Ecological Conscience” and “Social Media” SVD Australia News 234 Village Children Start School Year with New Uniforms, Supplies SVD Australia News 238 Visit to Thailand and Myanmar Highlights ‘Inspirational’ Work Being Done by Missionaries SVD Australia News 242

6 His Mission, Our Mission AUS Province Members Contribute to New Book on Caring for Our Common Home SVD Australia News 245 25 ปีแห่งพระพร SVD Thailand 250 SVD Australia Province Vision and Mission Statement วิสัยทัศน์ และ พันธกิจ 266 Getting to Know the Society of the Divine Word / ทำควำมรู้จักกับ คณะพระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำ 269

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 7 Foreword When I arrived at the SVD District community house in Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand, late last year for a visit, Br Damien Lunders, one of the two founders of the SVD community in Thailand, informed me that he wanted me to be in charge of producing the publication to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of the Society of the Divine Word in Thailand. I agreed to take on the project because, within the District, I already have considerable experience in this area as the editor of an academic journal and having also published a number of books. As I contemplated how to proceed with implementing the task, I decided on a simple but appropriate format for the book. It would consist of three types of content: (1) words to us; (2) words by us; and (3) words about us. Firstly, the “words to us” comprise messages from various notable individuals including Fr Paulus Budi Kleden SVD, the Superior General at the time the book was being prepared; Fr I.A. Rass SVD, the Provincial Leader of the Australia Province of which Thailand is a part; Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai, Bishop of Udon Thani Diocese where most SVDs have been serving for the last 25 years; and members of the Provincial Council – Frs Boni Buahendri SVD and Albano Da Costa SVD. These messages convey sentiments of celebration, gratitude, and encouragement. They celebrate the significant milestone of 25 years of dedicated service, express deep gratitude for the hard work and impact of the SVD members in various ministries, especially in HIV/AIDS care, education, and

8 His Mission, Our Mission pastoral care, and extend thanks to the local communities, other religious congregations, and diocesan leadership for their support and collaboration. The messages also encourage continued commitment and innovation in mission work, emphasizing the willingness to adapt to the changing needs of the people served, promoting understanding and reconciliation, and expanding mission efforts with a hopeful and determined outlook for the future. Secondly, the “words by us” come from confreres who are serving in Thailand or have begun their vocational journey as SVD candidates in Thailand. The pieces from our members are intentionally short, reflecting the reality that most of the members are more comfortable with expressing themselves through actions than words. Despite the brevity of the reflections, they reveal a profound dedication by our confreres to their mission, characterized by long-term commitment and a willingness to face significant challenges. They express a deep sense of gratitude and joy, finding fulfillment in the positive impact of their work on local communities. Despite facing cultural and language barriers, financial constraints, and the emotional toll of their pastoral duties, the SVD confreres demonstrate remarkable resilience. They draw strength from their faith and the support of both their fellow missionaries and the local communities they serve, highlighting the importance of partnership and teamwork in achieving their goals. Moreover, the SVD missionaries show a deep respect for Thai culture, making concerted efforts to integrate by learning the language and adapting to local customs. This cultural sensitivity facilitates trust and meaningful relationships with the people they serve. Looking ahead, they express hope for the continued growth and sustainability of their missions, acknowledging the need for ongoing resources and support. They envision a vibrant and adaptable mission that responds to the

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 9 evolving needs of the community while remaining true to their core values of service and compassion. The reflections by young confreres who received their religious vocational calling to the SVD in Thailand express sentiments of gratitude, resilience, and transformative growth. Despite initial reluctance and challenges, such as cultural and linguistic barriers, they were overcome through faith and dedication. The narratives highlight the profound impact of community life, intercultural experiences, and witnessing the dedication of SVD priests and brothers, ultimately strengthening their commitment to their missionary vocation. Despite facing loneliness, anxiety, and significant challenges, these young men in formation express deep appreciation for the journey that has shaped their faith and prepared them for future service. Finally, the “words about us” come from a variety of sources, including reflections by our lay partners, individuals who have directly experienced SVD ministry in their lives, and SVD news websites that have run stories on the SVD work in Thailand over the years. Thus, this section comprises both new and old articles that help to chronicle the SVD missionary endeavor in Thailand. From the various accounts, the SVD missionaries in Thailand are perceived as compassionate and dedicated individuals who are deeply committed to serving the needs of the communities they work with. Through their various ministries, such as providing care for those affected by HIV/AIDS, supporting marginalized families, supporting migrant workers and asylum seekers, and pastoral care and outreach to people in underdeveloped parishes, they have made strong impressions on the people they serve. Their willingness to immerse themselves in local cultures and address pressing social issues reflects a genuine concern for the well-being of others, fostering a sense of trust and appreciation among the communities they work

10 His Mission, Our Mission with. Moreover, their openness to different cultural backgrounds and their proactive engagement with local challenges demonstrate an empathetic approach that resonates deeply with those they assist, reinforcing the perception of the SVD missionaries as valuable companions and sources of spiritual and emotional support. On a personal note, as part of the Thailand SVD team, preparing this modest publication has also been a transformative experience, helping me to appreciate more deeply the challenges and efforts of my brother SVDs in their various ministerial contexts. As someone who has at times suffered from a condition described metaphorically by the Vietnamese adage, “The home Buddha does not inspire awe,” I can understand how a lack of appreciation, respect, and mutual support can take place within our own religious communities. Gathering the words to us, by us, and about us for this volume has helped me grasp more clearly how each of the SVDs in Thailand is trying to carry out the vision and mission of the Society in the local contexts. It has helped me gain greater understanding of each person’s challenges, insights into their struggles, and gratitude for their individual efforts to affirm that “His life is our life, His mission our mission.” As a small religious congregation in a small Catholic Church in Thailand, the impact of the SVDs in this country is necessarily limited. Nevertheless, the vision and mission of the Society to proclaim the kingdom of God remain no less a goal for us. Moreover, as a community of missionary disciples from different nations and languages, we will continue to strive towards becoming a living symbol of the unity and diversity of the Church. In this endeavor, as we weave together the tapestry of our shared journey, our collective efforts, though humble, resonate with profound significance. Each word communicated, each

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 11 story shared, and each reflection offered becomes a testament to the spirit of creative discipleship that defines us as SVD missionaries. As we commemorate our Silver Jubilee, may this publication not only celebrate our past achievements but also inspire us to continue walking steadfastly in our shared mission, guided by the belief that our unity in diversity is indeed a reflection of the kingdom we strive to proclaim. Anthony Le Duc SVD Bangkok, June 4, 2024

12 His Mission, Our Mission Superior General Fr Paulus Budi Kleden SVD Message on the Occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the SVD Presence in Thailand-Myanmar On the occasion of the silver jubilee of the SVD presence in Thailand-Myanmar, in the name of the General Council and on behalf of the whole Congregation, I want to congratulate the Australian Province, especially all the confreres of the Thailand-Myanmar District. Let us pause to reflect on the significance of this milestone and the journey we have undertaken over the past 25 years. This occasion marks not just the passage of time but a testament to the commitment to serve God’s people in this land.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 13 Our presence in Thailand began with a unique novum - two Brothers, Bro. Damien Lunders and Jim Wilkins ventured forth to start a mission in their “advanced youthfulness,” as Fr Henry Barlage, the then Superior General, wrote to them in June 1999. Their bold step set the stage for a vibrant community of SVD members, numbering 14 confreres today, including two Brothers. Their pioneering spirit reminds us that every member of our Congregation, regardless of their role or background, is vital to our shared mission. The mission in Thailand has been one of witness through service, mainly focused on caring for those who have HIV/AIDS. The Mother of Perpetual Help Center has evolved into a hospice, children’s center, and teenage center (Ban Mae Marie). The staff also visits the schools for the AIDS Education and Awareness Program. Besides, our confreres also work as teachers at government schools and lecturer at the national major seminary, pastoring the migrants and attending to the small Catholic communities in ten parishes in the diocese of Udon Thani. In all these ministries, compassion and service should remain our motivation, and inspire us to be signs of hope in a world marked by suffering and injustice. Equally significant is our presence among Thailand’s Buddhist majority. Though the dialogue with Buddhism was not the primary objective, our interactions with the Thai people have led us to embrace this opportunity for mutual understanding and respect. Through dialogue and collaboration, we strive to build friendship and solidarity bridges, enriching our faith and the wider community. We are grateful that later a confrere specialized on Buddhist environmental spirituality to help our new missionaries understand the people we are dealing with and promote dialogue with them.

14 His Mission, Our Mission As we look to the future, let us heed the call to discernment and renewal. We must remain attentive to the changing needs of the people we serve and explore new avenues for mission. As SVD missionaries, we are called to inspire hope and be agents of change in a world often marred by discrimination and wounds. Let us not be content with the status quo but strive for excellence in all we do, seeking new opportunities for service and growth. This may require us to venture beyond our current ministries and territories, always guided by the spirit of fraternity and service that defines us as SVD members. Discerning what administrative structure is required to enhance our presence and service is of crucial importance. Furthermore, despite the many difficulties, the efforts to promote vocation should be our joint commitment. Together, let us continue to build bridges of understanding and reconciliation, reaching out to our Buddhist brothers and sisters with humility and respect. Let us also nurture a culture of collaboration and partnership, working hand in hand with local communities and other religious organizations to create a more just and compassionate society. On this occasion, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to our mission in Thailand-Myanmar. I am deeply grateful for hospitality and support of the bishop of Udon Thani, the diocesan clergy, the faithful who have welcomed us into their midst, and members of other religious congregations. I commend our collaborators at the Mother of Perpetual Help Center for their tireless dedication to the sick and the needy. I also thank the provincial leadership and all the confreres of the Australian Province for embracing ThailandMyanmar as part of their mission. And to you, my dear confreres in Thailand-Myanmar, thank you!

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 15 In the spirit of our 19th General Chapter’s theme, “Your light must shine before others: faithful and creative disciples in a wounded world,” I urge you my dear SVD confreres in Thailand to embrace this call to action with vigor and determination. Let your light shine brightly in every corner of Thailand-Myanmar, illuminating the darkness with the love and compassion of Christ. Your faithful and creative discipleship inspires us all, and I am proud of your dedication and commitment to the mission. May you always work in the synodal spirit, fostering a culture of collaboration and partnership that strengthens our collective efforts. I pray for your good health and well-being as you continue to serve the people of Thailand-Myanmar with passion and integrity. May God bless you abundantly as you continue your mission in Thailand-Myanmar and may the next 25 years be filled with even more incredible blessings and achievements. Rome, April 2024 Yours in Christ, Paulus Budi Kleden SVD Superior General Note: Since the writing of this message, Fr Paulus Budi Kleden has been appointed by Pope Francis on May 25, 2024 to be archbishop of Ende Archdiocese, Indonesia. A new Superior General will be elected at the General Chapter in Summer 2024 in Nemi, Italy.

16 His Mission, Our Mission Provincial Leader Fr I. A. Rass SVD It is with great joy and reverence that we celebrate a remarkable milestone in the history of the Divine Word Missionaries – 25 years of dedicated service and unwavering commitment to the people of the Land of Smiles, Thailand. This significant occasion marks a quarter of a century since the Divine Word Missionaries set foot in this beautiful land, bringing with them the message of hope, love, and compassion. Following the example of the Divine Word, our mission in Thailand is to incarnate ourselves into the lives of the Thai people and thereby be of true missionary service to them. (Thailand Vision Statement). This was the leitmotif of Br Damien Lunders, SVD, Br James Wilkins SVD, R.I.P) when they first arrived in 1999 and joined later by Br Ron Fratzke SVD (2002), Fr Truc Quoc Phan, SVD (2007), Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD (2007) and Br. Bernd Ruffing, SVD (2010). Today twelve confreres from five nationalities are ministering in Nong Bua Lamphu and

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 17 Bangkok armed with the same good news to reach where the gospel has not been preached sufficiently. Over the past 25 years, the Divine Word Missionaries have touched countless lives, spreading the light of faith and the warmth of kindness through openness and respect for the local culture and church, seeking peripheral and neglected areas of Thai society. There are too many pastoral activities in which the light of Christ has shone brightly to mention, especially at the Mother of Perpetual Help Centre, the Villa Marie hospice, the Mother Mary House, Self Help Occupations Project, Education Program for Children of HIV and Poor Families, parish and community development, English Language Ministry, Asian Research Centre for Religion and Social Communication, Vietnamese migrant ministry, and many other social outreach in remote Thailand. My recent visit to Thailand was filled with gratitude to the Triune God that, despite the tyranny of distance from Australia, our confreres have not failed to witness as an international missionary-religious community. The current SVD team and the visionary Brothers must be acknowledged and commended as they continue to go out in mission so that all may enjoy a new and fuller life to the glory of God. This is our raison d’être. If the Church is not on a mission, then we are not the Church. As we reflect on the past 25 years of Divine Word Missionary presence in Thailand, may we pause to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for their invaluable contributions to society. Their tireless work, unwavering dedication, and boundless compassion have left an indelible mark on the

18 His Mission, Our Mission hearts and minds of all who have had the privilege of knowing the confreres. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Divine Word Missionaries on the 25 Years of exceptional mission in Thailand. By the Holy Spirit, may God’s smile continue to restore souls for many years to come. Congratulations and may God bless Thailand.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 19 พระสังฆราชยอแซฟ ลือชัย ธาตุวิสัย ประมุขสังฆมณฑลอุดรธานี คำอวยพรเนื่องในโอกาสฉลองครบรอบ 25 ปี ของคณะพระวจนาตถ์ของพระเจ้าในประเทศไทย (SVD) “เรำทุกคนได้รับเรียกให้เป็นผู้แพร่ธรรม แบ่งปันข่ำวดีของพระเยซูคริสต์ให้โลก ได้รับรู้” —นักบุญ อำร์โนลด์ แจนเสน พ่อขอแสดงควำมยินดีต่อคณะพระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำ สำหรับภำรกิจในพระ เจ้ำ ที่ประสบผลสำเร็จในประเทศไทยตลอด 25 ปีที่ผ่ำนมำ ด้วยแรงบันดำลใจ จำกจิตตำรมณ์มิชชันนำรีของนักบุญอำร์โนลด์ แจนเสน ที่ทำให้ทุกท่ำนได้ เดินทำงมำยัง สังฆมณฑลอุดรธำนี และแบ่งปันชีวิตของท่ำน ให้กับชำวบ้ำนใน จังหวัดหนองบัว ลำภูอย่ำงไม่เห็นแก่ตัว เพื่อเป็นกำรระลึกถึงเหตุกำรณ์สำคัญดังกล่ำว พ่อสำมำรถพูดได้ว่ำ ทุกท่ำนได้ ดำเนินชีวิตตำมคำของนักบุญอำร์โนลด์ แจนเสนที่ว่ำ “เรำทุกคนได้รับเรียกให้ เป็นผู้แพร่ธรรม แบ่งปันข่ำวดีของพระเยซูคริสต์ให้โลกได้รับรู้” 25 ปีแห่งกำร

20 His Mission, Our Mission รับใช้อย่ำงไม่เห็นแก่ตัวและกำรอุทิศตนในกำรเผยแพร่ข่ำวดี และกำรดูแล ประชำกรของพระเจ้ำ โดยเฉพำะผู้ติดเชื้อเอชไอวีและคนชำยขอบ รวมไปถึงกำร จัดชั้นเรียนภำษำอังกฤษฟรีให้กับเยำวชนของท่ำน ถือเป็นกำรแสดงควำมรัก ของพระเจ้ำ ต่อมวลประชำกรของพระองค์อย่ำงเป็นรูปธรรม พ่อขอเน้นยำว่ำ คณะของท่ำนไม่เพียงแต่ดูแลศูนย์พระมำรดำนิจจำนุเครำะห์ เท่ำนั้น แต่ยังขยำยพันธกิจต่ำงๆ ให้กับชำวสังฆมณฑลอุดรธำนีด้วยควำมมั่นใจ สูงสุด ด้วยจำนวนสมำชิกที่เพิ่มขึ้นในหมู่คณะของท่ำน ท่ำนได้ขยำยพันธกิจไป ยังวัดต่ำงๆ รวมไปถึงผู้คนในแต่ละชุมชน ด้วยกำรแบ่งปันพระวจนะของพระ เจ้ำและเป็นพยำนถึงคุณค่ำของพระวรสำร ควำมเมตตำและกำรเสียสละทั้งหมด ของท่ำนได้บังเกิดผลมำกมำย และควำมทุ่มเทและกำรทำงำนหนักของท่ำนได้ ส่งผลดีต่อชีวิตของผู้ที่ท่ำนรับใช้ ขอให้ทุกท่ำนยังคงภูมิใจยึดมั่น ตั้งใจทำงำนที่ ยอดเยี่ยมเช่นนี้ต่อไป เนื่องในโอกำสเฉลิมฉลองครบรอบ 25 ปีแห่งกำรก่อตั้งในประเทศไทยครั้งนี้ ขอให้พระเจ้ำได้ประทำนพระพรให้แก่ท่ำน ที่ได้อุทิศตนเพื่อรับใช้พระเจ้ำและ ผู้คนที่อยู่ในควำมดูแลของท่ำน โดยเฉพำะเด็ก เยำวชน และผู้ด้อยโอกำสนี้ ขอแสดงควำมยินดี และขออวยพรให้กำรเดินทำงข้ำงหน้ำนี้ได้ทวีผลและเจริญ ก้ำวดีงำมยิ่งขึ้น ตลอดไป อวยพรมำในนำมขององค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้ำ +พระสังฆรำชยอแซฟ ลือชัย ธำตุวิสัย ประมุขสังฆมณฑลอุดรธำนี

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 21 Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai Udon Thani Diocese Congratulatory Message for the 25th Anniversary of S VD in Thailand “We are all called to be missionaries, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.” — St Arnold Janssen I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to the Congregation of the Society of the Divine Word for the 25 years of fruitful mission in Thailand. Inspired by the missionary spirit of St Arnold Janssen, you set out to the Diocese of Udon Thani and shared your life selflessly with the people in the province of Nong Bua Lamphu. Commemorating the milestone of your Congregation, I could say that you have indeed lived out the very word of St Arnold Janssen, “We are all called to be missionaries, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.” Your 25 years of

22 His Mission, Our Mission selfless service and dedication in spreading the Good News, taking care of God’s people, especially those with HIV and the marginalized, and conducting English classes for free to the young people are concrete manifestations of God’s love for His people. I wish to emphasize that your Congregation has not only taken care of the Mother of Perpetual Help Centre but extended various ministries to the people of the Diocese of Udon Thani with utmost confidence. With the increase of members in your community, you have also extended your mission to the parishes, impacting the people in your mission places by sharing the word of God and witnessing gospel values. All your kindness and sacrifices have borne much fruit. Your dedication and hard work have significantly impacted the lives of the people you serve. May you continue to keep up the excellent work with confidence! As you celebrate your 25th founding anniversary here in Thailand, I pray that God rewards you abundantly for your dedication to the service of the Lord and the people under your care, especially the children, youth, and the marginalized. Congratulations and best wishes for a more fruitful journey ahead! Gratefully yours in Christ, +Joseph Luechai Thatwisai Bishop, Udon Thani Diocese

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 23 AUS Vice Provincial Fr Albano Da Costa SVD Reflecting on 25 Years of Mission in Thailand: A Journey of Faith and Service As we commemorate the 25th anniversary of our mission in Thailand, it is a time for profound reflection and gratitude. Over the past quarter-century, our community has witnessed remarkable transformations, both within ourselves and in the lives of those we have been privileged to serve. This milestone is not merely a measure of time but a testament to the enduring power of faith, dedication, and the unwavering support of our brethren. This milestone is a celebration of faith, perseverance, and the deep bonds we have formed with the Thai people. It also brings back cherished memories of my recent visit to Bangkok and Udon Thani, where the spirit of our mission was palpable and inspiring. Our journey began with humble steps, guided by the vision of spreading Christ’s love and teachings in a land rich with culture and history. From the outset, we faced numerous challenges: language barriers, cultural differences, and the sheer distance

24 His Mission, Our Mission from our home. Yet, it was in these very challenges that we found our strength. The resilience of our dedicated confrères, coupled with the warm hospitality of the Thai people, created a fertile ground for mutual learning and growth. Apart from pastoral care in the region, one of our significant achievements has been the establishment of healthcare initiative and providing much needed medical care and spiritual guidance. Over the years, we have organized medical camps that serve remote and underserved communities. These efforts have brought essential healthcare services to thousands, embodying the compassion and healing ministry of Christ. The smiles of the children receiving basic school stationery and the relief to the sick we have treated are daily reminders of the profound impact of our mission. The success stories of our students, many of whom have gone on to become leaders in their communities, are a testament to the transformative power of education grounded in Christian values. Over the years, our pastoral work has flourished as well. As missionaries of the Divine Word, we have been instrumental in making our local parishes truly missional in character and vibrancy, each becoming a center of spiritual nourishment and community support. Through catechism classes, youth groups, and outreach programs, we have fostered a vibrant faith community that continues to grow in numbers and in a synodal ecclesial spirit. The bonds we have formed with the local faithful are deeply cherished, reflecting a shared journey towards spiritual fulfilment. As we look to the future, we are filled with hope and determination. The next phase of our mission and presence, I believe, will focus on sustainability and deeper integration with local communities. We aim to empower local leaders, ensuring that the seeds we have planted will continue to bear fruit long after we have moved on to new fields of labour.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 25 In closing, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported our mission in Thailand and continue to do so. Your prayers, sacrifice, dedication, and encouragement have been the bedrock of our success. Together, we have written a beautiful chapter in the history of our mission, one that will inspire generations to come. May God continue to bless our efforts as we move forward in faith and service.

26 His Mission, Our Mission AUS Province Councillor Fr Boni Buahendri SVD Dear brothers, This year is a special year for you all in the SVD Thailand district. You celebrate the Silver Jubilee, 25 years of love, sacrifice, dedication and mission with the people that you serve. On behalf of all parishioners of St. Marks Inala Qld, the SVD confreres in the parish and myself, I just want to say, congratulation. I still remember, a few years ago, I was in your District and met some of you at your parishes. I have seen for myself the love and mission you have done in the local church. I do admire your passion and dedication for the mission in Thailand district. On this solemn occasion when you celebrate 25 years of serving the Lord, St. Arnold and the SVD Mission in your district, may our Triune God’s grace fill your hearts and minds.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 27 Your dedication to the local church is a testament to the power of faith, community, and mission. Thank you for being a shining example to all of us the members of Divine Word Missionaries of Australia Province. Congratulations.

28 His Mission, Our Mission SVD Thailand Timeline The Society of the Divine Word (SVD) is the world’s largest Roman Catholic order of missionary priests and brothers. Divine Word Missionary priests and brothers are men of prayer and faith. Each has been called to a unique vocation, spreading the Word of God where the Gospel has not yet been preached, or where the local church is not yet viable. Our emphasis on intercultural living, education, and professional skills enables us to minister throughout the world in a variety of ways: • pastoral and sacramental ministries • educational and religious training • evangelization • youth, adult and family services • healthcare

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 29 • seminary formation • counseling and chaplaincy • peace and justice • care for creation The Society of the Divine Word in Thailand is part of the Australian Province which comprises 4 countries, namely, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and Myanmar. In Thailand, our mission is to incarnate ourselves into the lives of the Thai people and thereby be of true missionary service to them. Just as Christ, the Word Incarnate, was born and grew up within a specific culture before he revealed His Fathers plan, so we, an international community, through openness and respect for the local culture are committed to immerse ourselves into the lives of the people of Thailand, so we may grow in our understanding in order to serve them. In union with the Divine Word and expressing our SVD charism, we grow and co-operate with the local church, seeking peripheral and neglected areas of Thai society which the Church has not been able to reach or where the gospel has not been preached sufficiently. Our work includes special care for the poor, the promotion of justice and peace, and dialogue with other faiths. Through this work and through our witnessing as a prayerful international missionary-religious community, we support the Catholic Church in Thailand and its endeavor to understand and accomplish its local mission and to develop a wider vision of its universal calling.

30 His Mission, Our Mission 20 March 1999: Arrival of first two SVD brothers to Thailand (Br Damien Lunders SVD and Br James Wilkins SVD). Previously, Br Damien had served in Papua New Guinea for 25 years. Br James served in Australia. March 2000: After finishing language studies, Brs Damien and James moved to Nong Bua Lamphu. Br James began teaching English in government schools while Br Damien began engaging in HIV/AIDS ministry with some lay people in Nong Bua Lamphu. Presently, he is the executive director of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center, which is dedicated to HIV/AIDS ministry. The Center’s work includes both caring for HIV/AIDS patients as well as AIDS education and outreach ministry. 6 January 2002: Br Ron Joseph Fratzke SVD arrived in Thailand from Australia. He is presently engaged in teaching ministry, specifically, teaching English at various government schools in the province of Nong Bua Lamphu. Both Brs. James and Ron taught as volunteers.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 31 August 2002: Opening of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center in its present location. The Center is involved in HIV/AIDS ministry. 2002: Construction and dedication of St Michael Archangel Church, the first Catholic church in Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Various SVDs have begun staffing the church since 2008 until present. 2006: Opening of Villa Marie Hospice for HIV/AIDS patients. This hospice is located in the same compound as the MPHC. 2006: Br James Wilkins returned to Australia due to health issues. He served as provincial treasurer until his death in 2010. 2 February 2007: Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD arrived in Thailand from the United States. He is presently teaching at Saengtham College/Lux Mundi National Major Seminary and is the executive director of the Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication at St John’s University, Bangkok.

32 His Mission, Our Mission March 2007: Fr Truc Phan arrived in Thailand from Australia for his first assignment. During his mission in Thailand, Fr Truc was assigned to various parishes until he completed his assignment and returned to Australia to serve the Society there. 2008: Construction began on the Ban Mae Marie (Mother Mary House) to care for teenagers with HIV. April 2010: Br Bernd Alfred Ruffing SVD arrived in Thailand from Germany for Overseas Training Program (OTP). He returned to Germany upon completion of the program in 2012. 2010: Opening of “Ban Mae Maria” (Mother Mary House) for HIV/AIDS youth. 2011: Establishment of Perpetual Help Foundation as an SVD entity. 2012: Chanthavong Anisong from Laos entered the Postulancy Program in Thailand and eventually was sent to the Philippines for Novitiate.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 33 24 September 2012: Frs Bernardus N. Bella SVD and Blasius Trinold SVD arrived in Thailand for their first assignments. Both are originally from Indonesia. Fr Blasius was transferred to Australia in 2018 after engaging in parish ministry in Thailand. Fr Bernardus continues to engage in parish ministry in Thailand and is presently the pastor at St Michael Archangel Church in Nong Bua Lamphu. In addition to the two SVDs from Indonesia, Frs Tran The Vinh SVD and FX Pham Dinh Tuan SVD also arrived in Thailand for their first assignments. Both are originally from Vietnam. Over the years, both Frs Vinh and Tuan have been engaging in parish ministry at various locations in the Diocese of Udon Thani. February 2013: Br Bernd Ruffing SVD arrived in Thailand for his first assignment. Br Bernd has since been transferred back to Germany where he now has been trained to work with refugees there. 2013: Fr Truc Phan SVD finished his assignment in Thailand and returned to Australia. 27 August 2014: Fr Duc Linh Nguyen SVD arrived in Thailand for his first assignment. He is originally from Vietnam. He is

34 His Mission, Our Mission presently doing further studies in the Philippines. Prior to going to the Philippines, Fr Linh engaged in parish ministry in Thailand. 18 December 2014: Fr John Hung Le SVD arrived in Thailand from Papua New Guinea, where he served for 10 years. He is presently engaged in migrant and refugee ministry in Bangkok. In addition, Fr Rajasekhar R. Bobba SVD arrived in Thailand for his first assignment. He is orginally from India. Fr Raja has been engaging in parish ministry in Thailand. However, Fr Raja also took a break from parish ministry in order to obtain a master’s degree in education from Assumption University in Bangkok. 2014: Frt Truong Le SVD arrived in Thailand from the USA for Overseas Training Program and returned to the US in 2016 upon com-pletion of the program. 2015: Br Binh Thanh Nguyen SVD arrived in Thailand from the USA for Overseas Training Program and returned to the USA upon completion of the program in 2017. 2015: Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD completed his doctoral studies in Religious Studies (which he began in 2013) in Bangkok and began teaching at Saengtham College/Lux Mundi National Seminary in 2016 until present.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 35 2017: Fr Peter Tran Hai Ha SVD arrived in Thailand for his first assignment. He is originally from Vietnam. He has recently been assigned to be pastor at St Michael Archangel Church in Nong Bua Lamphu Province after having served in various churches in Nong Khai Province. July 2018: The first Thai candidate, Chalerm Naruemankanthon, took first vow after having completed the Novitiate in the Philippines. Another candidate, Dang Quoc Cuong, who came to Thailand as a migrant worker also took first vows. Both were subsequently sent to Australia for formation and studies. Chalerm Naruemankanthon has since left the Society and returned to Thailand. September 2018: Fr Truong Le SVD arrived in Thailand for his first assignment. After serving at the Mother of Perpetual Help Center, Fr Truong is now engaging in parish ministry in Bungkan Province. 2019: Fr Anisong Chanthavong SVD was assigned to Thailand for his first assignment. Fr Anisong is originally from Laos. After joining the SVD, Fr Anisong was sent to Australia for formation and studies. He is currently serving in a parish in Bungkan Province. 25 February 2022: Fr Anthony Tat Binh Nguyen SVD arrived in Thailand for his first assignment. He is originally from Vietnam. Af-ter

36 His Mission, Our Mission finishing his language studies, he was assigned to serve as assistant parish priest at the Cathedral Parish of Udon Thani Diocese. July 2023: Second Thai candidate, Frt Bhumbodin Hiranrattanajinda SVD, took first vows upon completing the Novitiate in the Philippines. He is now in Australia for formation and studies. March 21, 2024: Provincial Superior Fr. I.A. Rass SVD along with the representative from the SVD Generalate traveled to Thailand to meet the members working in Thailand and Myanmar in order to discuss the plan to separate Thailand and Myanmar from Australia Province in order to establish a separate mission directly under the Generalate.

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 37 ไทม์ไลน์เส้นทางแห่งพระหรรษทานของคณะพระวจนาตถ์ของ พระเจ้าแห่งประเทศไทย (SVD) คณะพระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำ เป็นคณะนักบวชมิชชันนำรี พระสงฆ์ และภรำดำ ในศำสนำคริสต์นิกำยโรมันคำทอลิกที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในโลก สมำชิก นักบวชในคณะเป็นผู้ศรัทธำและสวดภำวนำอย่ำงสมำเสมอ ด้วยจิตตำรมณ์แห่ง กำรแพร่ธรรม นักบวชแต่ละท่ำนจะออกไปแผยแพร่และประกำศข่ำวดีในพื้นที่ ถิ่นต่ำงแดน หรือในที่พระศำสนจักรท้องถิ่นยังไม่สำมำรถดำเนินกำรได้ คณะได้ ให้ควำมสำคัญกับกำรอำศัยอยู่ร่วมกันเป็นหมู่คณะที่มีควำมหลำยหลำยด้ำน วัฒนธรรม กำรศึกษำ และทักษะควำมเชี่ยวชำญเฉพำะด้ำนต่ำงๆ ที่จะช่วย สนับสนุนพันธกิจให้เกิดประสิทธิภำพสูงสุด: • การอภิบาลและศีลศักดิ์สิทธิ์ • การศึกษาและการอบรมด้านศาสนา

38 His Mission, Our Mission • การประกาศข่าวดี • งานอภิบาลเยาวชนและครอบครัว • งานด้านสาธารณสุข • การฝึกอบรมสามเณร • งานจิตตาภิบาล และ คุณค่าของชีวิตจิต • การสร้างสันติภาพและความยุติธรรม • การดูแลรักษาสิ่งทรงสร้าง คณะพระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำในประเทศไทยเป็นหนึ่งในคณะพระวจ นำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำแขวงประเทศออสเตรเลียซึ่งประกอบด้วย 4 ประเทศ ได้แก่ ออสเตรเลีย นิวซีแลนด์ ไทย และเมียนมำร์ ภำรกิจของคณะในประเทศไทยคือ กำรเข้ำมำรับใช้พี่น้องคนไทย ดังเช่นที่พระเยซูเจ้ำได้ทรงบังเกิดมำเป็นมนุษย์ ก่อนที่พระองค์จะทรงเปิดเผยแผนกำรของพระบิดำเจ้ำ ดังนั้น สมำชิกคณะจึง มุ่งมั่นที่จะเรียนรู้ เปิดกว้ำง และเคำรพต่อวิถีชีวิตและวัฒนธรรมท้องถิ่นของ ประเทศไทย ซึ่งจะช่วยให้เรำได้มีควำมเข้ำใจในบริบทกำรรับใช้และประกำศ ข่ำวดีแก่พี่น้องชำวไทยได้อย่ำงดี กำรปฏิบัติและยึดหลักคำสอนขององค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้ำรวมถึงกำรยึดหลัก จิตตำรมณ์ของคณะในกำรทำงำน ทำให้เรำมุ่งมั่นและร่วมมือกับพระศำสนจักร ท้องถิ่นในระดับสังฆมณฑล ในกำรแสวงหำพื้นที่ที่ยังไม่ได้รับกำรประกำศข่ำว ดีภำรกิจของคณะรวมถึงกำรดูแลเป็นพิเศษสำหรับคนยำกจน กำรส่งเสริมและ สร้ำงควำมยุติธรรมและสันติภำพ และกำรแลกเปลี่ยนเสวนำกันระหว่ำงศำสนำ รวมถึงชุมชนต่ำงควำมเชื่อ

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 39 ผ่ำนภำรกิจ กำรรับใช้ กำรร่วมภำวนำ และกำรเป็นประจักษ์พยำนใน ฐำนะหมู่คณะมิชชันนำรี คณะพระวจนำตถ์ของพระเจ้ำในประเทศไทยร่วมใจ เป็นหนึ่งเดียวกับพระศำสนจักรคำทอลิกในประเทศไทยในกำรพัฒนำพระ ภำรกิจในระดับสังฆมณฑล และก้ำวไปพร้อมกันกับพระศำสนจักรสำกลทั่ว โลก 20 มีนาคม 2542: ภราดาทั้งสองท่านจากคณะฯ ได้เดินทางมาถึงประเทศไทย – บร. เดเมียน ลันเดอร์ส (Damien Lunders SVD) และ บร. เจมส์ วิลกินส์ (James Wilkins SVD) โดยก่อนหน้านี้ บร. เดเมียน เคยปฏิบัติพันธกิจเพื่อ พระศาสนจักรอยู่ที่ปาปัวนิวกินีเป็นเวลา 25 ปี ส่วนบร. เจมส์ ได้ปฏิบัติพันธกิจอยู่ ที่ออสเตรเลีย มีนาคม 2543: หลังจากเรียน ภาษาไทยเสร็จ บร. เดเมียน และบร. เจมส์ ได้ย้ายไปอยู่ที่ หนองบัวลำภู บร. เจมส์ เริ่มสอน ภาษาอังกฤษในโรงเรียนรัฐบาล ส่วนบร. เดเมียน เริ่มงานด้านการ ดูแลผู้ป่วยติดเชื้อ HIV/AIDS ร่วมกับสัตบุรุษบางท่านในจังหวัด หนองบัวลำภู ปัจจุบัน บร. ได้ดำรงตำแหน่งผู้อำนวยการบ้านนิจจานุเคราะห์ ซึ่ง มุ่งเน้นการดูแลผู้ป่วยติดเชื้อHIV/AIDS โดยงานของศูนย์เป็นงานที่รวมไปถึง การดูแลผู้ป่วย HIV/AIDS และการให้ความรู้เกี่ยวกับโรคเอดส์ให้กับเยาวชน และคนในชุมชน 6 มกราคม 2545: ภราดา รอน ฟรัทกี (Ron Fratzke SVD) เดินทางจาก ประเทศออสเตรเลียมาถึงประเทศไทย โดย บร. รับผิดชอบงานด้านการศึกษา โดยเฉพาะการสอนภาษาอังกฤษตามโรงเรียนรัฐบาลต่างๆ ในจังหวัดหนองบัวลำภู ซึ่งทั้ง บร. เจมส์ และบร. รอน ต่างช่วยสอนหนังสือในฐานะอาสาสมัคร