His Mission, Our Mission

100 His Mission, Our Mission tomorrow. My vocation is associated with the surprise of the migration context where I found the calling that God wanted me to follow. One of the defining moments of my life was stepping outside my country and moving to Thailand as a migrant for work. This experience not only opened my eyes to new opportunities, but it also led me to discover God’s calling for my vocation. While the Church has been advocating for migrants in many local churches, my time in Thailand highlighted the very real need for pastoral care for those on the move. While attending Mass in Thai was incredibly challenging, social injustice made life difficult for many migrants. Seeing priests who actively defended and advocated for these marginalised individuals truly inspired me to ponder missionary vocation. Their compassion and dedication motivated me to become a missionary to journey alongside migrants and offer them support amidst their struggles and challenges. While Thailand is the country where I recognised God’s call, Philippines was the second destination in my formation training. In Calapan, Mindoro, I spent twelve months in a quiet place for the Novitiate Program to discern my vocation through my prayer life and pastoral outreach. It was a difficult time for me due to the total disconnection with my family and the barrier of language and the challenges of culture. These challenges did not make me step back, but I regarded them as opportunities for me to learn and grow in my missionary vocation. My vocation journey continued further to Australia after my completion of the Novitiate. The Kangaroo Land has played a