His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 107 Later, I received further training in Bangkok, where English served as the common language in the SVD Bangkok community. This was another challenge that I could not avoid, but it proved to be a valuable experience for me. I also had the opportunity to learn and spend time with the Vietnamese community, which exposed me to their language and culture. I then received training in the Philippines, where I learned basic Tagalog and experienced the Filipino culture. I also had the privilege of spending time with the SVD students who were studying theology from over 10 different countries. Subsequently, I underwent formation in the Novitiate and was fortunate to have a Korean peer in my group, affording me a glimpse into his cultural allure. Additionally, I frequently had the privilege of partaking in the daily lives of Indigenous communities in the Philippines, providing me with invaluable and unforgettable insights into the ways of the villagers and the missionary lifestyle. This was a wonderful experience that broadened my horizons. After my first profession of vows in the Philippines, I was sent to Australia to study English and theology, where I am currently based. I am part of a community with members from seven different countries, which is still challenging for me, given the different social and cultural contexts. However, these experiences have not altered my faith but instead strengthened it. As I have seen the Catholic faith in various social and cultural contexts, which has helped me become more openminded and flexible. My faith and prayer life have become even more deeply rooted and alive, which I believe will prepare me for my future mission.