His Mission, Our Mission

8 His Mission, Our Mission pastoral care, and extend thanks to the local communities, other religious congregations, and diocesan leadership for their support and collaboration. The messages also encourage continued commitment and innovation in mission work, emphasizing the willingness to adapt to the changing needs of the people served, promoting understanding and reconciliation, and expanding mission efforts with a hopeful and determined outlook for the future. Secondly, the “words by us” come from confreres who are serving in Thailand or have begun their vocational journey as SVD candidates in Thailand. The pieces from our members are intentionally short, reflecting the reality that most of the members are more comfortable with expressing themselves through actions than words. Despite the brevity of the reflections, they reveal a profound dedication by our confreres to their mission, characterized by long-term commitment and a willingness to face significant challenges. They express a deep sense of gratitude and joy, finding fulfillment in the positive impact of their work on local communities. Despite facing cultural and language barriers, financial constraints, and the emotional toll of their pastoral duties, the SVD confreres demonstrate remarkable resilience. They draw strength from their faith and the support of both their fellow missionaries and the local communities they serve, highlighting the importance of partnership and teamwork in achieving their goals. Moreover, the SVD missionaries show a deep respect for Thai culture, making concerted efforts to integrate by learning the language and adapting to local customs. This cultural sensitivity facilitates trust and meaningful relationships with the people they serve. Looking ahead, they express hope for the continued growth and sustainability of their missions, acknowledging the need for ongoing resources and support. They envision a vibrant and adaptable mission that responds to the