His Mission, Our Mission

116 His Mission, Our Mission of Vietnamese immigrant communities. I often followed him to supermarkets to buy essential items and gave them to refugees twice a week. Through his pastoral service, I saw a missionary spirit that was willing to help many people despite the risks that the COVID-19 disease would affect him. A fire was ignited in my heart about the generosity and sacrifice to become a missionary, and I felt ready to go and live with any community. Thailand was a great place to meet or travel for SVD members, so the SVD community in Bangkok was a focal point for them. When I lived in the Bangkok community, many SVD members often came here for a few days for various reasons, so I got to know them. During their stay in the community, they shared about their pastoral and missionary experiences in the countries they had worked in, which helped me to gain more knowledge of the pros and cons of their missions. They were also very cheerful and encouraged me a lot during the difficult time when I was just a candidate. After quite a long and challenging period, I was finally accepted by the Australian Province to join the postulant program in Thailand in July 2022, with Fr Anthony Le Duc as my formator. During this time, I learned more valuable lessons and had deeper experiences with the Congregation. Through the lessons on the spirituality, charism, and mission of the Congregation, I better understood the happiness and