His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 119 like to share and make my experiences known especially on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the presence of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). Experience living 6 years in Thailand before joining SVD Before officially joining the SVD, I had the opportunity to live and work in Thailand for 6 years. When I was sixteen years old, I dropped out of school and went to Thailand to work. When I cam here, I did a lot of jobs, including dishwasher, parking lot attendant, cleaning staff, waiter, and ice cream seller. This was a long period that helped me to understand and love the country, culture, and people here. Being busy with a lot of work and living in a new environment made me forget God. Meanwhile, laziness also contributed to my staying away from attending Mass and praying. During the first two years, I hardly went to church because of many reasons like going to work, not knowing where the church was, and mostly being so lazy. While working in Thailand, I noticed my faith was getting weaker and weaker. However, in that situation, I learned a lot from the culture and people here. I loved the way Thai people live. They are generous, kind, and friendly. They are also polite in their speech. In 2014, an event that took place in Thailand completely changed my life. I happened to hear about a camp for Vietnamese migrant youth in Thailand organized by Father Anthony Le Duc. This event left many deep impressions and memories for me. Participating in the program, I got acquainted and was surprised to see that Fr Anthony was very sociable, amiable, and sincere. From then on, I followed Him every Sunday when He went to celebrate Mass. As a result, my vocation developed without me realizing it. It was only when