His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 125 until dawn. Like many other families who couldn’t go home on New Year’s Day, we brought firewood and “dong” leaves to the SVD house to find a bit of Tet atmosphere. I remember being tasked with sourcing firewood for cooking rice cakes. I, along with a younger brother, rode a motorcycle around the markets and ended up buying enough charcoal not just for the cakes that year but for the entire next year. Because I was afraid of running out, I bought too much. “Nhat bought enough charcoal for several years of cooking rice cakes,” the brothers joked about my “calculations.” While I bought excess, someone else preparing the cake fillings fell short. Because the “population increased” with many more immigrant brothers and sisters attending the year-end and New Year Masses, the priests wanted to make more cakes so everyone could take some home. So, everyone, except me, was given new tasks since they were afraid I would buy too much of the fillings. “Have someone else buy the fillings, Nhat might