His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 9 evolving needs of the community while remaining true to their core values of service and compassion. The reflections by young confreres who received their religious vocational calling to the SVD in Thailand express sentiments of gratitude, resilience, and transformative growth. Despite initial reluctance and challenges, such as cultural and linguistic barriers, they were overcome through faith and dedication. The narratives highlight the profound impact of community life, intercultural experiences, and witnessing the dedication of SVD priests and brothers, ultimately strengthening their commitment to their missionary vocation. Despite facing loneliness, anxiety, and significant challenges, these young men in formation express deep appreciation for the journey that has shaped their faith and prepared them for future service. Finally, the “words about us” come from a variety of sources, including reflections by our lay partners, individuals who have directly experienced SVD ministry in their lives, and SVD news websites that have run stories on the SVD work in Thailand over the years. Thus, this section comprises both new and old articles that help to chronicle the SVD missionary endeavor in Thailand. From the various accounts, the SVD missionaries in Thailand are perceived as compassionate and dedicated individuals who are deeply committed to serving the needs of the communities they work with. Through their various ministries, such as providing care for those affected by HIV/AIDS, supporting marginalized families, supporting migrant workers and asylum seekers, and pastoral care and outreach to people in underdeveloped parishes, they have made strong impressions on the people they serve. Their willingness to immerse themselves in local cultures and address pressing social issues reflects a genuine concern for the well-being of others, fostering a sense of trust and appreciation among the communities they work