His Mission, Our Mission

128 His Mission, Our Mission Thanks to the presence of the Divine Word Missionaries, I was able to attend Mass in my mother tongue after a few years. The welcoming spirit and diverse ministries of the priests helped ease my homesickness. I thought I would “hang up my harp” until leaving Thailand, but when Masses became regular, Father Linh formed a mini choir to lead the liturgy. The image of the priests and congregation singing together after each Mass, with children running around, will always be a wonderful memory. During happy and sad times for the immigrant community, Father John Hung Le’s footsteps brought gifts of vegetables and milk to those in need. Father Anthony Le Duc’s efforts to form and organize immigrant groups, each priest taking care of different aspects of immigrant life, contributed to the presence of Christian life in a Buddhist country. Thanks to their tireless efforts, Vietnamese Catholic communities were established and maintained. The fruits of prayer and pastoral