His Mission, Our Mission

10 His Mission, Our Mission with. Moreover, their openness to different cultural backgrounds and their proactive engagement with local challenges demonstrate an empathetic approach that resonates deeply with those they assist, reinforcing the perception of the SVD missionaries as valuable companions and sources of spiritual and emotional support. On a personal note, as part of the Thailand SVD team, preparing this modest publication has also been a transformative experience, helping me to appreciate more deeply the challenges and efforts of my brother SVDs in their various ministerial contexts. As someone who has at times suffered from a condition described metaphorically by the Vietnamese adage, “The home Buddha does not inspire awe,” I can understand how a lack of appreciation, respect, and mutual support can take place within our own religious communities. Gathering the words to us, by us, and about us for this volume has helped me grasp more clearly how each of the SVDs in Thailand is trying to carry out the vision and mission of the Society in the local contexts. It has helped me gain greater understanding of each person’s challenges, insights into their struggles, and gratitude for their individual efforts to affirm that “His life is our life, His mission our mission.” As a small religious congregation in a small Catholic Church in Thailand, the impact of the SVDs in this country is necessarily limited. Nevertheless, the vision and mission of the Society to proclaim the kingdom of God remain no less a goal for us. Moreover, as a community of missionary disciples from different nations and languages, we will continue to strive towards becoming a living symbol of the unity and diversity of the Church. In this endeavor, as we weave together the tapestry of our shared journey, our collective efforts, though humble, resonate with profound significance. Each word communicated, each