His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 139 love and understanding for them. I used to be indifferent to the spread of infection; now I am passionate about educating and providing knowledge on prevention to everyone. The feeling of pride towards my supervisor When I first started working here, I saw Brother Damien, our supervisor, working alongside the team with dedication. He engaged in physical tasks like digging, planting trees, and decorating the office surroundings. He even served water to the team. He sets a great example for all of us. Moreover, he immediately and consistently cares for AIDS patients with love. He never orders us but serves as an example. This creates a warm and loving atmosphere in our workplace, motivating us to work with full dedication and enthusiasm. Pride in the mission of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center The mission of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center is unique as it focuses not only on physical health care but also on holistic care for HIVinfected individuals and AIDS patients. It provides a last resort for those who have lost hope in life. Here, they receive comprehensive care for their physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. This is the mission of love.