His Mission, Our Mission

140 His Mission, Our Mission Every patient who comes here is someone who has lost hope in life, suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially, with no one to care for or support them. Here, they find their last refuge, and it is true. As they receive care and rehabilitation, many regain their physical, mental, and emotional health. They participate in activities at the St Michael Achangel Church, praying for blessings from the Lord, which instills hope and improves their health. Many leave here healthier, able to take care of themselves, and reintegrate into society. For those who are severely ill and unable to support themselves due to disabilities or old age, the Mother of Perpetual Help Center continues to provide assistance. Additionally, in terms of prevention work, we conduct sexual health education and HIV/AIDS education for students aged 13-15 in secondary schools. For these reasons, I am incredibly proud of the mission of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center, under the care of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), an organization established demonstrate God’s love to the sick and those in distress. Being chosen and called to be part of the ministry of the Lord fills my spiritual life with growth, peace, and joy, and it remains in my life and family forever. This is a tremendous grace bestowed upon me by the Lord. Therefore, I humbly offer eternal glory and praise to the Lord.