His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 149 The parish ministry initiatives included visiting the elderly in the community, youth work, training projects, and community assistance activities. All these activities were carried out without discrimination based on social or religious circumstances. Communication work was also carried out through social media and community radio programs. The message communicated reflected love that sought no profit but aimed to spread the Good News of the Lord to everyone. The Mother of Perpetual Help Center and Mother Mary House are places of care and recovery for HIV-infected individuals. This is another major ministry under the care of the Society of the Divine Word. This mission clearly demonstrates care for patients without discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, or cultural differences, but with respect for human dignity. Regardless of one’s background, everyone who comes to the Center must be treated based on the foundation of love. Brother Damien Lunders SVD, the founder of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center and Mother Mary House, dedicated his physical and spiritual strength to make these places accessible to everyone, providing them with genuine understanding and love. The Center does not reject anyone but rather opens its doors to everyone. Brother Damien once shared, “‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his field’ (Luke 10:22). The Lord has given me a great responsibility as a religious missionary. I feel that I am an instrument for developing Nong Bua Lam Phu. I am pleased to see new life emerging both within and beyond the walls of the Mother of Perpetual Help Center. I am happy to have been involved in helping them find new life.”