His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 155 continued to rise. Consequently, Father Hung and the association opted to purchase additional fresh vegetables from wholesale markets. With over two thousand refugees dispersed across various locations, this endeavor demands significant time and effort. Through perseverance, Father Hung has faithfully delivered vegetables to refugee communities every week for nearly three years. This gesture assumes even greater significance during economic hardships, when prices soar beyond the means of many families. Receiving vegetables brings joy to many, as they help enhance their family meals for the week. Beyond its material value, Father Hung’s vegetable distributions hold spiritual significance for numerous refugee families. Particularly touching are the expressions of gratitude from those from the Central Highlands, who, despite struggling to articulate in Vietnamese, convey their appreciation to Father Hung and the volunteer team. Through heartfelt words, blending both Vietnamese and Thai, they express that receiving vegetables reassures them that refugees are not forgotten, and that they continue to receive care, support, and love from the community. Such expressions serve as motivation for Father Hung and the association’s volunteers, including Tran Thi Thu Nguyet, who has been involved in vegetable distribution from the outset. The loving trips Arriving in Thailand as a political refugee in 2018, Tran Thi Thu Nguyet faced numerous challenges in adapting to a foreign land without family, financial resources, or language