His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 159 Collaborating with SVD Priests in Vietnamese Migrant Ministry Joseph Bui Dinh Anh My name is Joseph Bui Dinh Anh, orginally belonging to the parish of Ke Tung Hat, Nghia Yen, Hà Tĩnh diocese in Vietnam. Due to livelihood reasons, my family moved to Thailand for work as migrant workers. Initially, upon arriving in Thailand, we did not have the opportunity to attend any Vietnamese-language masses for several years. Some time later, I met a priest belonging to the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), Father Anthony Le Duc, in 2011. At that time, I attended my first Vietnamese-language mass in Thailand. In August of the same year, I met Fr Anthony again. Unfortunately, it was a time of tragedy involving my wife’s family. Her younger brother, who suffered from asthma, had