His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 173 them for good things that they have done or remind them to do better in other things. I try to keep negative things to a minimum in this task because it is important to not make people lose their ap-petite during meal. Just as we begin the meal with a prayer, we also conclude the meal with one. And nobody leaves the mat until the final prayer has been said. Youth group meal as an act of service Most young people don’t like to cook and few like to do dishes. But here, they are taught to do both. Serving each other is at the heart of the youth group meal together. Cooking for each other, helping each other to clean up, and washing the dishes become acts of service for one another, and teaches them to value a life of service and cooperation. They not only serve during the meal but also serve in their daily lives. We hope that they will learn to serve the people in their family, the abandoned elderly in their community, the friends at their