His Mission, Our Mission

14 His Mission, Our Mission As we look to the future, let us heed the call to discernment and renewal. We must remain attentive to the changing needs of the people we serve and explore new avenues for mission. As SVD missionaries, we are called to inspire hope and be agents of change in a world often marred by discrimination and wounds. Let us not be content with the status quo but strive for excellence in all we do, seeking new opportunities for service and growth. This may require us to venture beyond our current ministries and territories, always guided by the spirit of fraternity and service that defines us as SVD members. Discerning what administrative structure is required to enhance our presence and service is of crucial importance. Furthermore, despite the many difficulties, the efforts to promote vocation should be our joint commitment. Together, let us continue to build bridges of understanding and reconciliation, reaching out to our Buddhist brothers and sisters with humility and respect. Let us also nurture a culture of collaboration and partnership, working hand in hand with local communities and other religious organizations to create a more just and compassionate society. On this occasion, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to our mission in Thailand-Myanmar. I am deeply grateful for hospitality and support of the bishop of Udon Thani, the diocesan clergy, the faithful who have welcomed us into their midst, and members of other religious congregations. I commend our collaborators at the Mother of Perpetual Help Center for their tireless dedication to the sick and the needy. I also thank the provincial leadership and all the confreres of the Australian Province for embracing ThailandMyanmar as part of their mission. And to you, my dear confreres in Thailand-Myanmar, thank you!