His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 181 Br Bernd, who hails from Germany, first went to Thailand as part of the SVD’s Overseas Training Program, when he was in formation, and then was assigned to the AUS Province, and to Thailand, for his first assignment after taking final vows. He was there altogether for five and a half years. A qualified nurse, Br Bernd worked with the AIDs patients being cared for at the Mother of Perpetual Help Centre in Nong Bua Lamphu. “I was also a ‘taxi driver’ and a gardener, sometimes a cook and a cleaner, sometimes a pharmacist, a nurse and a counsellor, sometimes a catechist and a teacher, sometimes an interpreter for the police or at court – but this all doesn’t express what I tried to be,” he says. “What I really wanted to be is nothing more than being a missionary brother. To me it was not important what I did as such, but important to do it with and for God’s people.” Br Bernd says he faced many challenges during his missionary assignment to Thailand, including the task of learning the Thai language.