His Mission, Our Mission

190 His Mission, Our Mission Things will always be out of our control, but how we deal with that is up to us. In my case, I pray, hoping that God will pave a way for us to get out of the mess. In looking back, we would always be more grateful for each other for being present for one another during tough times. Working with teenagers is not without all the dramas of adolescence–love, relationship, and the insistent need for personal freedom. Trivial or not, these are things that give them stress. If I don’t get into the messiness of their lives, they’ll give me stress later. So, I talked with them about everything–things that are happening in their lives. Most importantly, I have to be interested. The children responded well as I talked with them about decision making. I helped them to consider the consequences of their actions or decisions and urged them to choose a fruitful path. This method works to a degree, but in the end, the biggest lesson that I’ve learned is in letting go. They will have to make their own decisions no matter how insistent you are on the “right” path.