His Mission, Our Mission

200 His Mission, Our Mission According to Br Damien, the work in Thailand (part of the SVD AUS Province), with the poor and people affected by AIDS is both challenging and rewarding as he tries to bring the love of Christ to each person to whom he ministers. “I think I try to do that just by being available to all people in need,” he says. “Helping in little ways of kindness and patience; just trying to treat them as any individual, trying to show others that persons with aids are no different from themselves and that there is no need to fear them because of their illness. Reflecting on his 50 years of SVD ministry, Br Damien says he has much for which to be grateful. “One of the things I love about being an SVD brother is the internationality of our Society – how we can live and work together for the same end, not only with our SVD confreres, but with our Sisters (SSpS) also as part of the SVD family,” he says. “I love having been given the opportunity of living and working with the poor and marginalised both in Papua New Guinea and now for 13 years in Thailand.