His Mission, Our Mission

24 His Mission, Our Mission from our home. Yet, it was in these very challenges that we found our strength. The resilience of our dedicated confrères, coupled with the warm hospitality of the Thai people, created a fertile ground for mutual learning and growth. Apart from pastoral care in the region, one of our significant achievements has been the establishment of healthcare initiative and providing much needed medical care and spiritual guidance. Over the years, we have organized medical camps that serve remote and underserved communities. These efforts have brought essential healthcare services to thousands, embodying the compassion and healing ministry of Christ. The smiles of the children receiving basic school stationery and the relief to the sick we have treated are daily reminders of the profound impact of our mission. The success stories of our students, many of whom have gone on to become leaders in their communities, are a testament to the transformative power of education grounded in Christian values. Over the years, our pastoral work has flourished as well. As missionaries of the Divine Word, we have been instrumental in making our local parishes truly missional in character and vibrancy, each becoming a center of spiritual nourishment and community support. Through catechism classes, youth groups, and outreach programs, we have fostered a vibrant faith community that continues to grow in numbers and in a synodal ecclesial spirit. The bonds we have formed with the local faithful are deeply cherished, reflecting a shared journey towards spiritual fulfilment. As we look to the future, we are filled with hope and determination. The next phase of our mission and presence, I believe, will focus on sustainability and deeper integration with local communities. We aim to empower local leaders, ensuring that the seeds we have planted will continue to bear fruit long after we have moved on to new fields of labour.