His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 29 • seminary formation • counseling and chaplaincy • peace and justice • care for creation The Society of the Divine Word in Thailand is part of the Australian Province which comprises 4 countries, namely, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and Myanmar. In Thailand, our mission is to incarnate ourselves into the lives of the Thai people and thereby be of true missionary service to them. Just as Christ, the Word Incarnate, was born and grew up within a specific culture before he revealed His Fathers plan, so we, an international community, through openness and respect for the local culture are committed to immerse ourselves into the lives of the people of Thailand, so we may grow in our understanding in order to serve them. In union with the Divine Word and expressing our SVD charism, we grow and co-operate with the local church, seeking peripheral and neglected areas of Thai society which the Church has not been able to reach or where the gospel has not been preached sufficiently. Our work includes special care for the poor, the promotion of justice and peace, and dialogue with other faiths. Through this work and through our witnessing as a prayerful international missionary-religious community, we support the Catholic Church in Thailand and its endeavor to understand and accomplish its local mission and to develop a wider vision of its universal calling.