His Mission, Our Mission

56 His Mission, Our Mission experiences I encountered was working with preschool and elementary students for over three years. Teaching such young and energetic children was a new and exhausting experience for me, yet it was rewarding in its own way. Despite the fatigue, I found it to be a fulfilling exhaustion. Throughout my years of teaching, I’ve never experienced conflicts with students or colleagues. I’ve never had to resort to raising my voice in the classroom. I attribute this to my approach of patience, kindness, and striving to exemplify God’s love through my ministry. 3) As the current District Leader, how do you envision the District may grow in the next 25 years in Thailand? As District Leader, my vision is for the district to not only grow but also to remain adaptable to evolving ministry needs through open communication and dialogue with our mission partners. The Church continually challenges us to respond to changing circumstances, and it’s imperative that we remain attentive and responsive to the signs of the times. Our current ministry endeavors are bound to evolve and transform, underscoring the importance of our active engagement with the present realities. As we commemorate 25 years of ministry in Thailand, let us express our gratitude to God for the blessings bestowed upon us. May we also seek divine guidance for the next 25 years and beyond, trusting in God’s providence as we navigate the future of our mission.