His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 61 Embracing the Joys and Challenges of Missionary Life in Rural Thailand Fr Truong T. Le SVD In the quiet and rural landscapes of northeastern Thailand lies a mission field filled with opportunities for service and growth. For the past four years, I have dedicated myself to the pastoral care of Jesus of Nazareth Church and Immaculate Conception Church in the Buengkan Province. Nestled amidst low-income families and a simple way of life, my journey as a missionary in Thailand has been marked by both profound joys and great challenges. One of the most rewarding aspects of my ministry has been the opportunity to immerse myself in the lives of the villagers. Beyond the routine liturgical duties, I have engaged in various outreach initiatives aimed at uplifting the community. Teaching English and computer skills, managing educational scholarships, and organizing food relief packages have not