His Mission, Our Mission

66 His Mission, Our Mission has been a source of great comfort and inspiration, reaffirming my belief in the inherent goodness of humanity. Yet, amidst the joys of communal life, I have encountered my fair share of challenges. Thailand, with its predominantly Buddhist population, presents a unique set of obstacles for spreading the message of ChriSt In order to bridge the cultural divide and forge meaningful connections with the local community, I have dedicated myself to learning the Thai language and immersing myself in the rich environment of Thai culture. This journey of cultural understanding has been both humbling and rewarding, enabling me to communicate more effectively and build deeper relationships with those I serve. However, the greatest challenge I have faced transcends linguistic and cultural barriers. It is the challenge of navigating the diverse array of backgrounds, cultures, and personalities within my parish and community. From parishioners of varying nationalities to fellow members of my religious society, each interaction presents an opportunity for growth and understanding. Learning to embrace differences with compassion and humility has been a journey of self-discovery, teaching me to find joy and harmony in the midst of diversity. ********* เส้นทางแห่งความเชื่อและความเข้าใจในวัฒนธรรม โดยบาทหลวงเบร์นาร์ดุส โนฟรีอันตอ เบลลา SVD ในฐำนะเจ้ำอำวำส วัดอัครเทวดำมีคำแอล จังหวังหนองบัวลำภู ประเทศ ไทย ผมมีภำระหน้ำที่ในกำรดูแลและทำนุบำรุงควำมต้องกำรทำงกำยและฝ่ำยจิต