His Mission, Our Mission

70 His Mission, Our Mission providing spiritual nourishment through the celebration of Mass, the administration of the sacraments, and the comforting presence of regular visits to the elderly and sick. Additionally, our community comes together in solidarity to support the less fortunate, exemplifying the true spirit of Christian love and compassion. In contrast, the second parish presents a unique tapestry of diversity, where Catholics and Buddhists coexist harmoniously. It is a testament to the power of unity amidst religious differences, as the community rallies together to support one another in times of joy and sorrow. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my ministry here is the opportunity to bridge cultural and religious divides, extending pastoral care to all members of the village regardless of their faith background. Whether it’s visiting the sick or distributing provisions to those in need, I strive to embody the inclusive love of Christ, transcending barriers and fostering a sense of belonging for all. Amidst the joys of community and shared faith, I am confronted with the sobering reality of the challenges that lie ahead. The weight of expectations placed upon priests to single-handedly address the needs of the parish, from building new churches to improving the overall environment, can be overwhelming. As resources remain scarce, I am faced with the daunting task of finding creative solutions to meet the diverse needs of the communities I serve. Yet, amidst the challenges, I find solace in the profound joy of walking alongside the people I serve, journeying together in faith and solidarity. This shared sense of mission, rooted in the principles of Synodality, reminds me that I am not alone in this endeavor. Together, we navigate the highs and lows of