His Mission, Our Mission

25 Years of Witnessing to the Word in Thailand 75 parish priest and council on visits to minister to the poor, lonely, and those facing hardship. Throughout my service, I’ve strived to fulfill my responsibilities diligently and build positive relationships with the parish priest, council, and parishioners. Initially, my limited language skills and the workload brought some anxiety. However, as I adapted, my role became more fluid. Each task, activity, and interaction has offered valuable lessons and experiences. The Cathedral Parish serves as a unique and engaging environment for a new missionary like myself. Observing the diverse activities provides opportunities for learning and participation. While the lack of prior experience can create initial obstacles, the work brings invaluable insights. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve and grow in this role. I trust that the experiences gained here will equip me for future ministerial endeavors. Though my time in Thailand has not been long, and my experiences limited, the joys and challenges of missionary life are already evident. My greatest joy lies in serving according to the needs of the situation, fulfilling entrusted tasks to the best of my ability. Currently, finding fulfillment in parish work aligns with my current role. One ever-present challenge I have observed is the presence of Christians with a less developed faith. This begs the question: how can I contribute to strengthening the Church in Thailand? As a minority faith in a predominantly Buddhist nation, the faithful are susceptible to influences that may conflict with their Catholic beliefs. Therefore, navigating the complexities of evangelization within deeply rooted religious and cultural