His Mission, Our Mission

4 His Mission, Our Mission ประสบกำรณ์ร่วมงำนกับคณะ SVD / My Experience with SVD Missionaries Ratthiya Suwannaseth 145 Fresh Vegetables for Vietnamese Refugees Augustine Duc Trong 151 Collaborating with SVD Priests in Vietnamese Migrant Ministry Joseph Bui Dinh Anh 159 Mission on the Mat: Church Youth Group Shares Food, Life, and Hope Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD 163 A Summer to Remember: American Seminarians Experience Mission Work in Thailand Sergio Morales Rangel 176 Br Bernd Ruffing SVD: “I Tried to be a Brother to Those Who Needed Someone” SVD Australia News 180 OTP Experience in Thailand Has Deep Impact on Truong Le SVD Frt Truong Thong Le SVD 186 A Mother’s Legacy Reaches Thailand Gary and Barbara Grendys 192 Br Damien Lunders SVD Celebrates Golden Jubilee of Vows SVD Australia News 197 Thai District Gives Thanks for 20 Years of Mission SVD Australia News 202