His Mission, Our Mission

94 His Mission, Our Mission like to eat, the place that I would like to go to relax or take a short retreat. It is a place where I feel safe. And it is a place from where I can go to other countries for meetings and conferences, knowing that I can look forward to coming back to Thailand and feel happy to “go home.” Many inquire about the duration of my assignment. I often reply with a humorous non-answer, “My time in Thailand ends when it ends.” The lack of clarity in the answer is not about not being able to say when I would like to go to another country to serve, but rather to say that I do not have any timelines for how long I stay in Thailand. It may be a few more years if it turns out that way. Or it may be for the rest of my missionary life, and that would be just fine with me. ********* สถานที่ที่ผมเรียกว่า “บ้าน” โดยบาทหลวงแอนโทนี เล ดึ๊ก SVD