The season of Advent in the liturgical calendar of the year pre-dates the establishment of the date for the birth of Jesus on December 25th.
The liturgy of this Sunday invites us to look at the mercy of God and experience God’s abundant generosity towards each one of us.
For those, like me, who have been playing the game “Pokemon Go”, you might be able to relate with me. As far as I understand the game, you capture as many Pokemon monsters as you can.
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus seems to be giving two pieces of advice to the Pharisees at the table with him.
How many of us, especially the younger generation, have thousands of Facebook friends but have never met them in person?
The words of Jesus in today’s Gospel are a challenge to us dear friends: they speak of pain, they speak of division, they speak of struggle.
“Taste and see how good the Lord is!”, the words of response to the psalm in today’s liturgy, beautifully sum up for us the invitation and challenge within the three readings of today’s liturgy.
“Lord, teach us to pray.” The request of the disciples is one that Christians have had down through the centuries.
A good master teaches his apprentice how a work is done so that if ever the master goes, he knows that at any time the apprentice could take over and continue the work.
This Sunday’s Gospel reading reminds us of two important lessons to be learned if we are to be sincere followers of Christ.
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