People often think the coldest places on planet earth are the north and south poles. Analogically, the heart of person could be the coldest place, for it is deep in the heart of a person, evil seeds are harboured and germinated, from which words and actions are the fruits.
The second Jubilee Online Lecture hosted by the SVD Australia Province this month highlighted the need for authentic Christian witness and a commitment to go out to the peripheries of both Church and society in living out Christ’s mission.
The keynote presenter at the webinar was Fr Stanislaus Lazar SVD, with Fr Albano Da Costa SVD responding on the theme of ‘Witnessing to the Light: From Everywhere for Everyone – a Mission Perspective’.
As this edition of ‘In the Word’ goes out, we are preparing to enter the Season of Lent next week. Once again, it feels like were just enjoying the Christmas season, and here we are already preparing for Easter.
The Church’s liturgical seasons are a real gift to us, helping us to enter into and make present the key events in the life of Christ, which happened more than 2000 years ago, but still bring fresh meaning to our lives today.
There’s this story about the US Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln was being briefed by his generals on the state of the war.
As a Divine Word Missionary, it is my profound privilege to share the Good News of God wherever I am called, writes Fr Niran Veigas SVD. For nine years, I was blessed to proclaim the Gospel in Russia, answering the Lord’s invitation to be His instrument of love and hope. Following this, I embraced another calling—to serve the Aboriginal community in Australia.
For the past two years, I have had the honour of ministering to a remote Aboriginal community in the northernmost part of Australia. It has been a journey of grace and growth, where I feel truly blessed to bring the Good News of Christ to those who long for His presence. Witnessing their faith, resilience, and openness to the Gospel has deepened my own commitment to this sacred mission.
The first reading, from the Prophet Isaiah, speaks about a vision that Isaiah had of the incredible presence and power of God. He felt totally incapable of expressing this reality of God.
The first words of God in the book of Genesis were [Then God said:] Let there be LIGHT, and there was light. For me as I reflect on the theme of our 150th founding anniversary, as the biblical apostolate coordinator of the province, the Light is very powerful, writes Fr Elmer Ibarra.
While we believe that the task of becoming a missionary is a call for everyone, I believe that as Divine Word Missionaries priests and brothers, we are specially called to testify to the light in the best way we know how by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The summer holiday period saw the SVD seminarians from Dorish Maru College in Melbourne swap the classroom for a range of practical and pastoral experiences - from parish placements to work experience in jobs as diverse as farm worker, handyman and restaurant hand.
Formator of Scholastics, Fr Linh Nguyen SVD, said the summer placements aimed to give the students pastoral and workforce experience, as well as deepen their cultural understanding and English language skills.
The Central West Catholic Cluster is a grouping of parishes in North Queensland’s Rockhampton Diocese, where you will get a warm country welcome and lots of hospitality.
The Divine Word Missionaries took up pastoral care of the Central West Catholic Cluster last year, with the arrival of Fr Peter Bang SVD.
The Society of the Divine Word has this month celebrated the feast days of its two SVD saints, St Arnold Janssen and St Joseph Freinademetz, with the occasions taking on special significance during the SVD’s 150th Jubilee Year.
The Australian Province of the Society of the Divine Word celebrated the feast days with special Masses and social gatherings of confreres, SSpS Sisters, parishioners, lay partners and partners in mission, while in Rome the day was marked by the release of a new book, entitled ‘Treasures of the Past and Experiences of the Present’.
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