We are celebrating today the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We are invited to reflect on the themes of stewardship, responsibility, and accountability in our relationship with God.
In my ministry, I have had a few families talk to me about their challenges, mostly with their children. Most often some parents come to me distraught and needing answers. Do I pretend to have the answers to their questions and challenges? No! However, being a priest I often try to let them understand their problems with their children from the biblical perspective, writes Fr Clement Baffoe SVD.
In this reflection, I would like to use two biblical illustrations that perhaps might help you as well think of your own family problems broadly? Do I intend to answer your questions? No! However, if at the end of this reflection you find some meaning or comfort, we will together raise our hands and say: thanks be to God.
The Gospels show Jesus teaching the people of His time about His Father using parables, stories, and metaphors that they were very familiar with.
Beloved in the Lord! There are just two points I would like to share with you this morning. From the first reading, I highlight the deep concern of the vineyard owner for the future growth, development, and produce of his grape vines. He did all he could to ensure that growth and future harvest.
It was the last year of my term in office as Dean of our Seminarians in Chicago, and it was the most difficult year I had ever suffered.
I’d like to borrow a very good story from Miguel de Umanumo, a Spanish philosopher and novelist from the 20th century about the origin of hell.
The Gospels show Jesus teaching the people of His time about His Father using parables, stories, and metaphors that they were very familiar with.
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