Debra Vermeer
Multicultural festivities at Macquarie Fields & Marsfield
Mary Mother of the Church Parish, Macquarie Fields commemorated the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a vibrant Multicultural Festival in her honour this month, while the Marsfield community also celebrated its diverse range of cultures.
Macquarie Fields Parish Priest, Fr Linh Nguyen SVD, says the festival began with the solemn procession of the statue of Mother Mary around the parish grounds before the 10am Mass and afterwards there was shared food, fun and live entertainment provided by parishioners from various multicultural backgrounds.
Celebrating 60 years of St Mark's Parish, Inala
St Mark’s Parish, Inala, celebrated its 60th anniversary this month with a special Multicultural Mass, followed by a day of entertainment, food stalls, fun and fellowship.
The parish was established in 1956 as the Parish of the Divine Word, with Fr Aloysius Kasprus SVD as Parish Priest. Over the 60 years, the parish has been in the care of both the Divine Word Missionaries and the Archdiocese, taking the name St Mark’s in 1961.
Message from the Vice-Provincial - Remembering Sr Rita
One of the great things about missionary life – and life in general – is the people you get to know along the way, and the richness they bring to your life.
Sr Rita Hassett rsm was one of those people who enriched the lives of many SVD missionaries, with her zest for life and her love for people and mission. Sr Rita died in her sleep recently, while in Alice Springs, working with us at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish.
Gearing up for World Mission Sunday 2016
The SVD AUS Province is gearing up to celebrate World Mission Sunday on October 16 by sharing resources and planning activities across the Province to mark this special day in the Church’s calendar.
Mission Secretary, Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD says that on World Mission Sunday, Catholics all over the world are called to reflect on and recommit to the Church’s missionary activity, through prayer, sacrifice and personal involvement.
Br Hermann - a man of action for God and others
“I’m a man of action,” says Br Hermann Hempen SVD. “I like keeping active and that’s why I love my job.”
Br Hermann’s job is to care for senior SVD confreres at the St Wendel home for the aged, in his home country of Germany. He is also well known and loved in the AUS Province for his years of hard work, care and dedication in Brisbane and Marsfield following his time as a missionary in Papua New Guinea.
Bible Sunday celebrations at Marsfield
The St Arnold Janssen Chapel community at Marsfield celebrated Bible Sunday this month with Mass followed by refreshments and fun activities, with the highlight being the ‘graduation’ of seven participants in the Bible Timeline study program.
Fr Dom Flores SVD says it was a wonderful occasion to celebrate the commitment of those who had undertaken the study program at Marsfield and also at the SVD parish of Macquarie Fields.
Kingston-Marsden youth sleep out for Vinnies
About 50 young people and 10 adults from St Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Kingston-Marsden and the surrounding community rugged up for a cold night sleeping in the parish carpark as part of the Vinnies Winter Sleepout 2016.
The Sleepout, which took the theme, ‘Compassion in Action, was an initiative of the parish youth group, called Kolbe Youth, and was part of a series of activities held throughout the year to promote faith formation based on the action-reflection model.
Fr Roger Schroeder SVD joins seminar on indigenous theology
Internationally renowned theologian and missiologist, Fr Roger Schroeder SVD is currently in Australia delivering a range of presentations and workshops on different aspects of Mission, including the theology of indigenous peoples and interculturality.
Fr Roger is the Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry and the Louis J. Luzbetak SVD Professor of Mission and Culture at Chicago’s Catholic Theological Union (CTU).
Life lessons learnt while walking in the footsteps of St Paul
Life brings to all of us problems as well as success, despair and joy. In my recent pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, in the footsteps of St Paul, I learnt many things about the Great Apostle to the Gentiles especially this - that St Paul had learnt to adapt himself to every kind of circumstances, even being in jail.
We all face the inevitability of loss, sickness, aging, and death in our human experience. We are, after all, humans, not gods.
Young people long to experience God's love - WYD reflection
This year the World Youth Day will be celebrated in the city of Krakow, Poland from the 25th to 31st July 2016. Young people from around the world will assemble in Poland. The World Youth Day of 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that I attended is always in my mind.
I will share a few thoughts about the effect WYD had on me as a person. I had a great experience of personal conversion being with the young people. Young people long to experience the love of God and the experience of being loved by others.
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