Debra Vermeer
I love my life as a Brother, says Br Bernd
Brother Bernd Ruffing SVD, a registered nurse and nursing educator, loves his life as a Brother in the Divine Word Missionaries, saying he never saw himself preaching the Gospel from a pulpit, but rather, with his hands and actions.
Br Bernd, who is originally from Germany, is assigned as a missionary in Thailand, part of the AUS Province, where he works both in parish life and caring for people living with AIDS.
Celebrating the Year for Consecrated Life
As we head towards the end of the calendar year, we are entering into the season of Advent and a new liturgical year. This liturgical year will be an extra exciting one for us, as Pope Francis has declared it The Year for Consecrated Life.
All of us who are living in consecrated life welcome this recognition from the Holy Father that there is much to celebrate in the Gospel-centred life we have been called to live. It is not a life without challenges, but it is a life filled with deep joy.
RIP Fr Gerard Mulholland SVD
It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Fr. Gerard Mulholland.
After being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease some months ago, Gerard finally succumbed to the disease at 9.45am this morning, with Mary, his sister, Arturo Barrios and myself at his bedside.
CRA launches logo for Year of Consecrated Life
Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) proudly unveils a logo to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, which begins on the 29th of November, the first weekend of Advent.
The logo reflects Pope Francis’ exhortation for religious women and men to awaken the world in a spirit of joy and hope when he announced the year 2015 to be dedicated to consecrated life. The celebration culminates on the World Day of Consecrated Life, the 2nd of February 2016.
Shipping containers of love being sent to PNG
Corporate donors, religious congregations and laypeople are drawing their resources together to pack shipping containers of much-needed goods and send them to missionaries and communities in Papua New Guinea.
The project is an initiative of the St Michael Mission Society, established in Sydney more than 20 years ago in support of the Michaelite Fathers who have been missionaries in PNG for about 40 years. In recent times, the Divine Word Missionaries have also been involved in the project, sending requested goods to SVD missionaries in PNG.
Challenges and opportunities for Christianity in Africa
Christianity in Africa is growing fast, but this growth, together with unique cultural factors, presents both challenges and opportunities if the African people are to transform a ‘Sunday Christianity’ into an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ, an SVD Mission Day gathering has heard.
Missionary, academic and educator, Fr Erasmus Norviewu-Mortty SVD was born in Ghana, and continues to be deeply involved in education there.
Anthony Le Duc SVD - "God called me"
Some people ask me, “Why are you a religious?”
“Well, God called me to religious life,” I answer.
“That’s it?” They ask further.
“Yup, that’s it,” I tell them.
Spreading joy - an essential task of Mission
With Mission Sunday (October 19) now behind us and the Mission Month of October drawing to a close, it is good to reflect on some of the key themes that have emerged in our celebrations.
The first theme that springs to mind is Joy. As we have come to expect from Pope Francis, his Message for World Mission Sunday was infused with joy, the ‘Joy of the Gospel’, which we are all called to share.
Looking forward to heaven
When Fr Gerard Mulholland SVD found out a few months ago that he had late-stage Motor Neurone Disease, he was angry with God. Now, with his faith to sustain him, Fr Gerard says he is looking forward to heaven, but, with the loving care of family, confreres and friends, is still enjoying every day on earth as much as he can.
“I was very angry with God for a couple of weeks,” he says.
Young missionaries reveal Holy Spirit is still at work, says Fr Boni
When Indonesian-born Fr Boni Buahendri SVD was assigned to Australia as a missionary priest, he dreamed of working with indigenous people in a remote location. Instead, he found himself first in parish ministry and now in formation of young missionaries, and he says he could not be happier.
“I love working with these young people,” he says. “In our society today, only a few people want to become missionary brothers and priests, so to see these young people so enthusiastic to become missionaries makes my day.
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