Journeying in Faith - DMC Annual Journal [December 2024]

48 Bibliography Borne, Etienne. Modern Atheism: A Faith and Fact Book. London: Burns & Oates, 1961. Hobbes, Thomas. “Leviathan.” Chapter XIII of the Natural Condition of Mankind, concerning their Felicity and Misery, edited by A. D. Lindsay. London: J.M. Dent & Sons LTD), 1914. Hobbes, Thomas. Enlightenment Birth of Modern Nations. Adapted by John McDowell, Melbourne: YTU, 2024. Hobbes, Thomas. Hobbes’ Fearful Wisdom chapter 7. Adapted by John McDowell, week 4, Readings. Melbourne: YTU, 2024. Hobbes, Thomas. Religious Liberty and Toleration. Adapted by John McDowell, week 4, Readings. Melbourne: YTU, 2024. Krämer, Klaus. “Religious Freedom Foundation:Re�lections and Models” in eds. Krämer and Vellguth. One World Theology. Quezon City: Claretian Publication, 2014. Marshall, Paul.“The Ambiguities of Religious Freedom in Indonesia.” The Review of Faith and International Affairs 16, no.1 (2018):85. Religious Minorities in Indonesia Face Discrimination | Human Rights Watch Watkins, J.W.N. Hobbes’s System of Ideas. London: Hutchinson University Library, 1973. tolerance in Indonesia. Atheism, in this context, is a reaction to religious discrimination and injustice. By adhering to Hobbesian principles of fairness and his social contract theory, the government can create a more just society that protects the rights of all religious groups, for a more harmonious future for Indonesia.