23 Bibliography Akenson, Donald Harman. Surpassing Wonder The Invention of The Bible and The Talmuds. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998. Allen, Lestie C. Jeremiah: A Commentary. London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008. Becking, Bob. “Ezra’s Re-enactment of the Exile.” In: Leading Captivity Captive: “ the Exile” As History and Ideology”. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series, 278, (1998). Haber, Susan. Common Judaism, Common Synagogue? Purity, Holiness, and Sacred Space at the Turn of the Common Era. Edited by Wayne O. McCready and Adele Reinhartz. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2008. Hill, John. Constructing Exile, The Emergence of A Biblical Paradigm. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2020. Provan, Lain, Long, V. Philips, and Longman III, Tremper. A Biblical History of Israel. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2015.