Journeying in Faith - DMC Annual Journal [August 2024]

65 j o uSron,e yt hoi sf Cghorsipset ila nrse mi si nndos t uasl wtahyast t thhaet es oa ms ye. t i imt e sr e ql euaidr e st o sdaicfr� ii c� iuclet , c wh ohi iccehs ac na nd tense relationships. We pray that even in thhaev ef a tcoe opfe or spi ps to si int i oonu ra nf adi tphe, res sepc ue ct ii oa lnl y, wi ne sDtirvei nn ge tWh eonridn gM iosus iro nvaorcya ti ino nt h et ow bo relcdo. m e a