Our liturgical processions are often led by someone carrying the cross. For most Christians today the cross probably signifies not only the love that God has for us but also the victory that Christ had over evil, even death itself.
During this time of the year, when we are nearing the end of the Liturgical Calendar, our readings are about the “end-times”.
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C - 2019
Fr Firuminus Wiryono SVDThere’s no doubt that people have many kinds of questions about heaven or resurrection and what it will be like. The Gospel this Sunday confronts us with the theme of resurrection and life after death.
There are some really beautiful, powerful words and images offered us in this morning’s readings: how God sees the vast, immense universe around us, and all that exists in it.
Nothing can separate us from God's love - Oct 31
Extraordinary Mission MonthAs we approach the end of the liturgical year, the word of God accompanies us in the ascent of Jesus to Jerusalem, where the Lord will celebrate his “exodus,” that is, the Paschal Mystery of his death and resurrection.
The doorway is narrow - reflection Oct 30
Extraordinary Mission MonthIt is the Holy Spirit who gathers us into the cry of all creation and of all humanity thirsting for salvation. Distracted by the daily concerns of life, we do not know what is really essential to ask. And so, the Spirit nourishes in us the question and hope of the true good that God has prepared for us.
How many times have we been fascinated by the beauty of creation, while contemplating a starry night, sitting along the banks of a river caressed by a light breeze, admiring a sunset or rainbow, or watching children play together happily without regard for race, colour, or social class?
The liturgy continues the series of feasts of the apostles, reminding us today of two who are almost unknown and whose relics are venerated in the Basilica of St. Peter, near the altar of St. Joseph.
When I arrived in Rome for further studies in September 1960 I heard the story several times from fellow Americans how one of their number asked an Italian if he was a Catholic and the man said “yes”.
Hearts respond more generously when they are shown trust - Oct 26
Extraordinary Mission MonthThe teaching of Jesus in today’s Gospel begins with a story that is reported to him by some people about a group of Galileans massacred by Pilate while offering a sacrifice in the Temple.
Discerning the signs of the times - Oct 25
Extraordinary Mission MonthMention was made above of Paul’s assertion that the Law was a reason for the proliferation of sin, and of the criticisms brought against Paul by his adversaries.
'I have come to set the earth on fire' - reflection Oct 24
Extraordinary Mission MonthThe biblical texts of this liturgy offer a common theme: the freedom granted by God to every human person, the use that we make of it, and the responsibilities that follow from it.
To whom much has been given, much is required - Oct 23
Extraordinary Mission MonthThroughout his Letter to the Romans, Paul maintains that it is useless to rely on the Law of Moses, since it does not free humanity, but rather enslaves and condemns humanity.
The passage from Paul offered in today’s liturgy is at the very heart of his Letter to the Romans. Behind the statement that the human person needs to be redeemed, there is the conviction that guilt taints our relationship with God.
Anxiety over tomorrow robs us of happiness today - Oct 21
Extraordinary Mission MonthThe common thread in the Scripture readings for today is the great theme of life. To Abraham – at the sunset of his earthly journey according to the story of Genesis, without hope of seeing the promise of a descendant realized - God confirms that biological barriers will not get in the way of his divine plan.