Thursday, 25 July 2013 14:23

WYD pilgrimage a chance to walk in faith with young people, Fr Stephen says


Fr-Stephen-Pilly-WYD-350Among the million or so pilgrims at World Youth Day in Brazil, is Fr Stephen Pilly SVD of Sacred Heart Parish, Preston, in suburban Melbourne. Before he left, Fr Stephen said what he was most looking forward to was to walk in faith with the young people he is accompanying, and to enjoy his own deep encounters with Jesus.

Fr Stephen is part of a pilgrim group made up of 157 young people from all over Victoria to make the journey to Rio De Janiero. He is joined by Immaculate, a parishioner of Preston, (pictured left, with Fr Stephen at the Melbourne Archdiocesan commissioning Mass).

Before arriving in Rio, Fr Stephen joined about 50 of the Victorian pilgrims taking part in mission activities in the Chilean capital of Santiago.

The group’s main activity was to help out in parishes by the Columban Missionaries in Santiago.

“These parishes are located in poor, marginalised areas,” he said. “The experience is about sharing our life stories, our faith experiences as Catholics with the local Chileans, and experiencing their stories as well, learning how Chilean parishes operated, living out their faith, tradition and culture.”

Fr Stephen said he hoped the experience would draw him into a deeper understanding of missionary work, particularly in the Latin American context.

“It will provide me with some time to reflect upon my own calling as a Divine Word Missionary here in Melbourne, in our present situation,” he said.

After spending time in Chile, the group headed for Rio and are staying with other Australian pilgrims in ‘Aussie Central’.

Apart from the big ceremonies with Pope Francis, including the welcome, the VigilWYD2 and the Closing Mass, Fr Stephen is taking part in faith sharing events, catechesis and talks with the young pilgrims.

“The main event will be Mass with Pope Francis,” he said. “I am really looking forward to seeing our new Pope and seeking his blessings.

“I’ll be walking along with the young people, listening to them, sharing in their quest to better know God. This really is a wonderful, golden opportunity to be at one with our young generation.

“On the road to Rio and in Rio itself, our pilgrimage is a great opportunity to witness to the great love of God and the example of Christ Jesus. I know I’ll enjoy deep encounters with Jesus, celebrating the gift of the faith of young people from all over the world.

“I’m grateful to the Provincial Superior, Fr Tim Norton, and our Parish Priest, Fr Bill Burton, for allowing me to participate in World Youth Day. I pray that this experience may enrich and help me to better serve God and our people.”

Photo above right: WYD hits Copacobana Beach, by Sergio Galindo for