Friday, 27 November 2020 10:52

Province takes practical steps to care for our common home


Solar panels at Marsfield 550The SVD AUS Province is embracing the principles set out in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’ by taking a series of small, practical steps to help protect the environment.

Recently, the Provincial Council and the Treasurer’s Office approved the installation of a 25.2KW solar panel array at Dorish Maru College in Melbourne.

This follows the installation of solar panels in Marsfield, Sydney, last year and plans are also underway to install panels at the Janssen Spirituality Centre in Boronia, Victoria.

As previously reported in In the Word, SVD-run parishes are also getting behind the idea, including Mary Mother of the Church at Macquarie Fields which installed solar panels as far back as 2008-2009, and St Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Marsden, Queensland, which installed solar panels and has undertaken a tree-planting program in the parish grounds.

Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass SVD, says the Divine Word Missionaries wants to do its part as the world slowly moves away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

“Solar power has enormous potential to provide energy to the developing world, not just in Australia,” he says.

Tree planting 100th anniversary Marsfield 2020Fr Rass recently reminded confreres in the Province that during the XVII General Chapter in Rome, all SVD communities were committed to: implement proper waste management in our communities and provinces; and to join the national and international networks in addressing cases of environmental destruction, and promoting more environmentally friendly policies.

Moreover, says Fr Rass, the Province Finance Advisory Committee and the Provincial Council are reviewing the Province’s Financial Policy to make sure it accords with the Society of the Divine Word’s policy for Ethical and Social Responsibility.

“It is not an easy exercise as we try to help fund our missionary activity while remaining faithful to the canons of good stewardship, human rights and in conformity with moral and social principles of the Catholic Church,” Fr Rass says.

At a local level, last year the Social Justice Awareness Team at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish in Alice Springs joined the Global Catholic Climate Movement.

“Many individual confreres have also joined international networks to help further the movement of caring for the common home,” says Fr Rass.

The Provincial offices in Marsfield recently got greener too, thanks to a tree-planting and blessing ceremony in honour of 100 years of SVD presence in the Epping/Marsfield area.


TOP RIGHT: Solar panels are installed at the Provincial offices in Marsfield.

BOTTOM LEFT: A tree is planted at Marsfield to mark the 100th anniversary of SVD presence.