Friday, 23 August 2013 17:43

World Youth Day a time of grace and joy for Fr Stephen

By Fr Stephen Pilly SVD

It was so wonderful to participate in World Youth Day in Brazil where hundreds of thousands of youngWYD---Stephen-Pilly people attended from all over the world. World Youth Day was an amazing and graceful event in the lives of the young people. There were mixed feelings of inspiration and challenge. I, along with the youth, experienced Christ the Redeemer. Blessed John Paul II once said, “Those who have come into genuine contact with Christ cannot keep Him for themselves; they must proclaim Him. This proclamation must not be imposed but proposed with confidence”. I experienced this in my own heart while I was walking along with the youth to meet Christ Redeemer. While holding our national flag in our hands, we were praying together under the gaze of Christ the Redeemer from the peak of Corcovado Mountain, and we experienced His presence in our hearts. At that moment the young people firmly felt that Christ invited them to go and make disciples of all nations. It was a moment of joy in my heart.

The Stations of the Cross, the Prayer Vigil and Holy Eucharist with Pope Francis brought us closer to Him. While the Blessed Sacrament was lifted by the Pope for blessings, there was a deep silence at the Copacabana beach, in spite of three million young people being there. I never imagined that the young people could keep such a deep silence. In calm and serenity, I, along with the youth, entered into deep contact with the Lord. We were all in the presence of the Lord, listening to the voice of the Lord. A young woman shared with me about her own intimate relationship with the Lord that our God is true God. This 25-year-old woman is just 5 months old in the Catholic faith.

Fr-Stephen-WYD2---350During World Youth Week, the young people journeyed together, building up the bond of relationship, friendship and love. Though there was a language problem with communication, it did not stop them entering into one another’s lives, cultures, traditions and faith. I really experienced true friendship with them. In friendship they shared their life stories which made me reflect upon the identity of young people in the family, church and the society. While sitting for confession, I was really touched by the lives of the youth. How much they are open to God in spite of worldly attractions and pleasures. Being with them, listening to them, sharing with them, encouraged me to live out my life authentically for them and God.

It was also a good opportunity to meet many clergy at World Youth Day, sharing the mixed feelings of our ministry and the work we are doing. I met a few SVD members from different parts of the world. I really felt that we are one family without knowing one another much. World Youth Day was an amazing experience which really brings a lot of joy and happiness in my heart. As I cherish this experience, I am so thankful and grateful to Provincial Superior Fr Tim Norton and Parish Priest Fr Bill Burt and all the members of the province for supporting me and allowing me to experience this graceful event. Cheers!