Tuesday, 29 June 2021 19:36

The way to happiness - a reflection


Fr James Aricheera SVD 150By Fr James Areechira SVD

A few days ago as I was watching the TV news, there was an interview in which the reporter asked the interviewee about the secrets of happiness. That person said many people in the world try to attain happiness by possessing things of the world the first. For example a job, money, house, marriage, children, grandchildren etc. According to him that is the wrong approach. He suggested that we must first be happy and then seek worldly possessions.  More than 2000 years ago Jesus said the same thing in a different way when he said, “Therefore, seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be added to you as well.” (Mt. 6:33) 

Happiness 550 ShutterstockThe Kingdom of God means ‘God reigns’. God can be everywhere. When God is within me or among us there is happiness and peace. It is like when a child knows that his father or mother is around and that child is happy and confident in whatever she is doing. If the child feels the parents are not there she will be afraid and become nervous and anxious. When parents return from work or elsewhere the children come running towards them shouting and smiling. At that time the children aren't nervous or worried anymore. The parents brings peace and confidence to them. Jesus said I came to give you peace. In John 14:27, Jesus says “Peace is what I leave with you; my Peace I give you. Not in the way that the world gives, do I give to you. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.”  Many times we try to attain peace through our own efforts and in our own ways. In this process many people make mistakes and use wrong means to attain peace and worldly things. For example an upset, disappointed, sad and discouraged person may try to find peace using worldly things like smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex etc. As we know in the long run he or she is self-destroying his or her life, health, wealth, relationships, self-image and family. People use wrong means like cheating, dishonesty, corruption and force to gain success but in the long-run they end up in failure or in tragedy.

When one faces problems and difficulties we become like a cocoon wired by many negative thoughts. At that time we see things negatively and react negatively. Let us take a simple example of a parent scolding a teenage son or daughter. Most teenagers feel that their freedom is controlled by the parent and negative thoughts comes to the mind of the teenager. As a reaction to the parent’s scolding if the teenager makes a rash decision to leave home and live with a bad companion his or her life can be spoiled. Often we forget what God said in the Bible “Even if the mother forgets her child. I will never forget you.”

Remember there is a loving God willing to help us but the question is do we seek His help? Jesus said, “Ask you will receive, seek you will find and knock and the door will be open”. All that I said above can be summarised in the story of a teenage girl who had a misunderstanding with her parents and left home and went to her boyfriend who was a sympathiser of Islamic State, and took this girl to Afghanistan. Within two years she became a mother and widow and was living in a refugee camp in Afghanistan. Do not forget and leave loving parents, ever present Jesus and a God who loves us more than own mothers. God bless you.