Tuesday, 31 August 2021 08:03

Provincial Assembly a blessed time to reflect on our mission


Fr Asaeli Raass profile pic 150Dear friends,

As I write this message, millions of Australians are once again living in COVID lockdown across New South Wales, the ACT, and Victoria. Gatherings are banned, families are separated and many people have either lost employment or taken a blow to their income. Of course, many are also suffering from the health effects of COVID and a significant number of people have died. We pray for them.

In amongst these challenges and difficulties we have been forced to continually adapt to the new circumstances we face. The SVD has also been called upon to adapt to new ways of doing things and in September we will hold our first ever online Provincial Assembly.

The Assembly, to be held from Monday September 20 to Thursday September 23, will be a mix of in-person and online delivery, taking as its theme: ‘The love of Christ impels us: Rooted in the Word, Committed to Mission’, from the 2018 General Chapter.

The keynote speaker will be Bishop Eugene Hurley, the retired Bishop of Darwin. Bishop Eugene will explore future Leadership and Governance under Pope Francis’ desired path of synodality and in the context of the upcoming Plenary Council 2021/2022 and the Light from the Southern Cross document.

Confreres from regions not in lockdown will gather together according to the local restrictions, while those from New South Wales and Victoria will take part in the place they are living.

We will come together online for the main sessions, together with our overseas Provincial confreres from Thailand, Myanmar and New Zealand.

It will be different, that’s for sure, but then, we’ve all grown used to the ‘Zoom’ world in recent times and I’m confident we will adapt and that it will be a blessed time for us to reflect on our mission together.

We ask for your prayers during this time as we discern the way forward for the next few years, seeking to hear God’ voice and follow the path the Holy Spirit is calling us to as we participate in Christ’s Mission in this part of the world.

Please be assured that when we are gathered together we will pray for you too, our friends and partners in mission.

Yours in the Word,

Fr Asaeli Rass SVD,
