Tuesday, 31 August 2021 09:41

Vocations month: Young missionaries give thanks for God's call


Final Vows 2021 in Church 550The Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province had cause for great celebration earlier this year when five young confreres from three different countries made their Final Profession of Vows and were ordained to the Diaconate.

The young men making their commitment in Melbourne were Nicholas Duc, Marius Razafimandimby, Francois D'Assise Andrianihantana, Edward Okletey Teye, and Hai Nguyen. They are from Ghana, Madagascar and Vietnam.

Francois said the two days of celebration were “remarkable and joyful” days in his vocational journey.

“Doing God’s mission delights my soul, following the footsteps of Christ and Arnold Janssen our Founder gladdens my heart and becoming a perpetual member of the SVD gives me joy. I am excited to embrace my future and my mission,” he said.

Marius said that as a young man flooded with today’s culture of entertainment, Facebook, Whatsapp, YouTube and Netflix, he realised he also needed a purpose in his life.

“For me, what I want is to do something that makes my life more meaningful, in which I do something with consequences that matter to others. I am very grateful to God for calling me and many young people to commit themselves to proclaim his love, in their very own way, to all. My journey has just started in the Society and I believe the best is yet to come.”

For Nicholas, the taking of final vows and ordination to the Diaconate was a cause of great joy.

SVD Diaconate Ordinations 2021 550“I am experiencing the coming down of the Holy Spirit as Jesus gave the Spirit to his disciples and sent them to bear witness to the Good News. Perhaps in the future, there will be many difficulties and challenges. But in God’s hand, with the grace of God and the support of my parents, brothers and sisters and friends, I hope that I will become a fruitful missionary to build the Kingdom of the Lord,” he said.

And Hai, drew on the beautiful prayer of Mary, the Magnificat, for his reflection.

“As Mother Mary praises God for what God has done for her; I also feel that taking Final Vows and the Diaconate are great gifts I have received. I praise and thanks God for the two precious gifts. I desire to be an instrument of God for doing God’s will, not for my own intention.”

Finally, Edward said his religious journey has been a long wait for God’s amazing blessings and favours.

“Looking back to where I started from and where the Lord has brought me now, I say, it is just by God’s grace. Trusting in God’s providence, I kept my focus on what God can do for me in Christ Jesus. So, having been blessed to take my final vows and instituted as a Transitional Deacon, my song is of gratitude to God, my formators and everyone who helped me to come this far,” he said.

The young missionaries have received their first assignments, which they hope to be able to take up as international borders open: Edward - Zimbabwe Region; Hai - Colombia; Francois - Australia; Marius - Netherlands-Belgium; Duc - USA Chicago Province.


TOP RIGHT: The five young Divine Word Missionaries during their final vows ceremony.

BOTTOM LEFT: Marius Razafimandimby, Hai Nguyen, Edward Okletey Teye, Nicholas Duc, and Francois D'Assise Andrianihantana who took their final vows as Divine Word Missionaries and were ordained to the Diaconate earlier this year.