Friday, 03 September 2021 12:25

A Father's Day Blessing


A Father's Day Blessing

Ever Bountiful Lord,

Bless every father and grandfather with the best of your spiritual blessings today. Let him know he is not alone in the tasks you have given him. Show him how much you delight in his work and affirm the value of whatever You have given him to do. Confirm his worth daily so he can have no reason to ever doubt Your love and faithfulness.

Create in him a deep sense of trust in You, knowing that He can count on You to help him lead and protect those dependent upon him. Let him know that every unselfish act of love and encouragement he has offered has been a gift that You receive gladly. Show him how effective the prayers of a godly man really are, and what a difference he has and can make to those around him, no matter how big or small the assignment.

Fathers Day 450When challenging times push him beyond his limits, assure him that You can take Him further into the realm of what is possible. Speak deep into his heart the powerful words he longs to hear from You—that nothing can ever separate him from Your love.

Complete any healing of past hurts or regrets that may interfere with parenting or grand-parenting his children. Build in him a sense of joy, humility, playfulness and faithfulness that draw his family close. When plans don’t develop as he hopes, or dreams are not fully realized, open his eyes to see beyond the moment to a greater joy that never disappoints, and to a Father who will never leave or abandon him or his loved ones.

May he be blessed with an ever faithful and loving wife, but if he is alone, suffering the loss of his wife and mother of his children, may he know a tenderness that meets and supports him in ways that You alone know.

Today, on other special days, and for all the days of his life, fill him with the best of Your blessings, so that one day he will stand before you and hear from You Your ultimate words of praise and gratitude: “Well done, good and faithful son!”

In Jesus’ Name!

(Prayer by Fr Frank Gerry SVD)