Thursday, 28 October 2021 13:21

Province establishes new Melbourne District

New Melbourne District leaders 550The SVD has established a new Melbourne District in a bid to provide the best pastoral care to its growing number of missionaries engaged in a range of different ministries in Victoria.

The new District was inaugurated on the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, a special feast for the Universal Church and for the founder of the Divine Word Missionaries, St Arnold Janssen, who dedicated the first SVD house to the patronage of St Michael in Steyl, Holland in 1875.

Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass SVD said the establishment of the new District was a practical decision made by the Provincial Council.

“We decided to go down this path in order to care for the increasing number of confreres working in the Archdiocese of Melbourne,” he said.

“We thought it was prudent to split the existing Melbourne District into two, recognising the workload of caring for our large formation community at Dorish Maru College along with our other ministries across the Archdiocese.

“Along with our formation community we are involved in parish ministry in Preston, ethnic chaplaincy, and interfaith and Christian spirituality at the St Arnold Janssen Spirituality Centre, so we decided to break it into two.

“The decision was really made in order to support the local leaders in their work and to care for our missionaries in the best possible way.”

Fr Rass said the establishment of a new District would also create smaller, more manageable groups, underpin an ongoing commitment to interpersonal living and support healthy intercultural living.

The new District, to be led by Fr James Areechira SVD, was inaugurated with a gathering at the Janssen Spiritualty Centre chapel for evening prayer.

The whole community said the evening prayer together and at the end, the Provincial Council member, Fr Sunil Paul Nagothu SVD, representing the Provincial, read out the appointment letter and it was handed over to the new District Superior Fr James Areechira. Fr Gilbert Carlo SVD is Vice-Superior.

Fr Sunil then said a prayer for the District administration and at the end, all blessed the newly elected District Council members.

“As a symbolic sign the outgoing District Superior Fr Mike Knight SVD handed over a copy of the ‘Handbook for SVD Superiors’ to the newly elected Superior,” said Fr Sunil.

After the prayer, all gathered for a social and meal.

“It was a memorable and blessed occasion for all of us here in Melbourne,” Fr Sunil said. “We wish them every blessing as they embark on a new journey in providing good leadership in caring for and supporting all confreres in Melbourne.”

Fr James said that as District Superior he hopes to establish more fellowship among confreres.

“I want to provide understanding and care within the District community and to have a fast, direct and personal approach to problems and difficulties that the community and confreres face,” he said.

“I’m also looking forward to organising activities to strengthen the community spirit and provide spiritual nourishment.”

PHOTO: Fr Michael Knight SVD hands the ‘Handbook for SVD Superiors’ to Fr James Areechira SVD, the newly elected Superior of Melbourne's new SVD District.