Wednesday, 22 December 2021 16:57

First year of priesthood 'a ministry of presence'

Fr Clement Baffoe SVD 300 verticalBy Fr Clement Baffoe SVD

As the saying goes, 'they who do not know where they are coming from, wouldn't know where they are going.' From this saying, it's indicative that once in a while, it's worth pausing and reflecting on where one has come from. This notion of looking back is important to me not because I have some nostalgic feelings for the past; but because it helps me to appreciate God’s grace in the past and as a result to reorder my future.

It's exactly one year since I was ordained a priest. On that fateful day of 28th November, I was full of mixed feelings. I was happy that God had found me even though unworthy to work in his vineyard. At the same time, I was afraid and felt very much inadequate. I think this feeling of inadequacy has always reminded me to be humble. After all I wasn't called because I merited it but because God wanted to glorify Himself through me, a broken vessel.

When I arrived in Townsville at the beginning of this year, my first shock began at the airport. Having arrived in a jumper from a cold morning in Melbourne, the humidity outside the Townsville airport taught me I was in a different environment. I was warmly received by the people of God. I think Fr Dave's presence and guidance in the early days was a huge blessing for me. Even though the task ahead looked daunting, he kept encouraging me all the time.  He did share many things with me, but the one that stood out for me was when he said "Clement, always be there for the people and don't stop smiling".

What has the experience been in this first year of my priesthood? For me, it's been a time of great learning. I have tried to unlearn some things and learnt new things. I have experienced love from people ranging from parishioners to many others who are not even parishioners. I have laughed with families at baptisms and weddings, I have been privileged to share in their sacred stories around meals, and also I have cried with some at hospitals and funerals. I have equally been privileged to celebrate many school Masses and liturgies and they've been opportunities for 'encounter' as I get to share stories with our beautiful students. My first year of the priesthood has been a ministry of presence. That is, being where I am most needed at any point in time. 

On the other hand, I have experienced some challenges in this first year as well. Some of the challenges have been: getting used to being a priest, my inability to celebrate my Thanksgiving Mass with my family after my ordination, my inability to be around my father in his last days and his burial etc. Whereas these have been some of my challenges, they have also helped me to understand what the priesthood is essentially about. It's about letting go of some of my comforts sometimes in order for God's will to be done.

As Christmas approaches, I am encouraged to look to the future with HOPE. In the coming months and years, it's my hope that God would continually use me for His purpose. It's my soul's desire that God would always visit His people through my ministry of breaking the Word, the Bread, Confessions and even my casual encounters. Please when you say your prayer(s), remember me in that sacred space of yours.


PHOTO: Fr Clement Baffoe SVD. Fr Clement is assistant priest at the Ministerial Region of the Good Shepherd in Townsville.