Wednesday, 22 December 2021 17:10

Christmas joy comes to Thailand hospice patients, AIDS centre residents

Christmas in Thailand 2021 feast 300Staff, residents and hospice patients came together at the SVD’s Mother of Perpetual Help Centre in Thailand this week to celebrate Christmas with a shared meal and fellowship.

The Mother of Perpetual Help Centre, located in Nong Bua Lamphu, in the North-East of Thailand, about 100km from the Mekong River on the Thai-Laos border, works to make a difference in the life of people living with HIV/AIDS. The Ban Mae Marie Home for Teenagers began as a home to care for orphans of AIDS, but has now been opened up for care of non-HIV-related teenagers and the elderly.

Br Damien Lunders SVD said the Christmas celebration reflected the joy of the Advent/Christmas season.

“Yesterday we celebrated Christmas together at Mother of Perpetual Help Centre,” he said.

“All staff and residents from Ban Mae Marie (Mother Mary House), and patients from Villa Marie Hospice at the Centre gathered together.

“It was a joyous celebration and all who were able, helped to prepare the decorations and the food.”

Christmas in Thailand 2021 John Le gifts for elderly 450Br Damien said it was decided to bring residents from Ban Mae Marie together at the Centre since so many of the patients at the hospice are not able to travel. 

He said the abundance of local food on the table reflected the hospitality of Thai culture.

“Thai fashion is that there is always way more than enough food,” he said. “Food for the Thai people is always a joyous and social gathering.”

At the end of the meal, the staff spoke words of thanks and appreciation and then gifts were distributed to all present.

“All were happy and grateful for another year spent together looking after and helping each other.”

Christmas in Thailand 2021 gifts 450Meanwhile, Fr John Le SVD, who is based in Bangkok, spent the days before Christmas giving a retreat for a group of families on a local island.

“During the retreat, the parents listened to presentations and shared their family lives, helping one another to live a Christian marriage,” he said.

Prior to the retreat, Fr John also took some young people to give Christmas gifts to residents in an aged care centre and children at an AIDS centre in the north-east.



TOP RIGHT: The Mother of Perpetual Help Centre Christmas gathering. In the Thai culture, sharing banquets together is an occasion of great joy.

MIDDLE LEFT: Fr John Le SVD took some young people to an aged care centre and AIDS centre to give out Christmas gifts to residents.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Fr Damien Lunders SVD gives a Christmas gift to one of the guests present at the Mother of Perpetual Help Centre Christmas gathering.