Wednesday, 22 December 2021 17:41

Adoration Sisters celebrate 125th anniversary of foundation

Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters 550The Arnoldus Family has this month celebrated the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration (SSpSAP).

The Sisters were founded by St Arnold Janssen, who also founded the Society of the Divine Word and the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters (SSpS) in Steyl, Holland in the late 1800s.

They are a contemplative order, dedicated to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and founded by St Arnold to be a powerhouse of prayer for the Church’s missionary activity.

SVD Superior General, Fr Paul Budi Kleden SVD, sent a message of congratulations to the Sisters to mark their anniversary.

“It is a moment of great joy for the entire Arnoldus Family as we recall your commendable spiritual services to the Church and humanity, a service that God has deigned to choose you to render,” Fr Budi wrote.

“At this historic and grace-filled moment, we rejoice with you in Christ our Lord for the unfathomable graces he has showered on your Congregation.

“We admire you for your unrelenting service of perpetual adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, through which you participate in the Church’s missionary activity.

“We appreciate you for your love for the mission of God and your dedication to supporting the missionaries through your constant prayers.”

Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters blessed sacrament 550In a message to mark the anniversary feast day on December 8, the Sisters released a video, with a message from their superior, Mother M. Magdalena, wishing all a happy and blessed feast day.

“Today, December 8, 2021, our Congregation celebrates its 125th anniversary: 125 years of eventful history, but above all, 125 years of adoration, celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours, prayer and intercession in the service of the mission in the Steyl Family. This is truly a reason to look back with gratitude,” she said.

“Our Congregation would not be conceivable, and we could not fulfill our ministry without our Steyl Family, our SSpS Missionary Sisters, our SVD brothers, our friends and families, our co-workers and partners, benefactors, and those who pray with us. Our sincere thanks go to them today.

“Our Congregation has changed in these 125 years. It has grown and is already becoming smaller again and has become more international. As a result, we experience international communities’ richness, joy and challenges.

“I invite you all to give thanks together today for God’s loving and guiding closeness through 125 years. Let us remain united in prayer and the missionary spirit for the life of the world.”



TOP RIGHT: The Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration from the Motherhouse in Steyl, The Netherlands.

BOTTOM LEFT: The primary work of the Sisters is to pray before the Blessed Sacrament.