Wednesday, 18 September 2013 17:41

English lessons in East Timor proving popular with students

English-language-students-in-East-Timor--350Divine Word Missionaries and Holy Spirit Sisters in the Diocese of Maliana, East Timor are helping high school students in Atabae to learn English and become independent learners, in a program that has been so successful it already has a waiting list for next term.

Fr Kasmir Nema SVD, who completed his SVD formation in Melbourne, says although the English language course is only five months old, it is already bearing fruit, with students showing they are eager to learn and to expand their knowledge.

“The English language school in Atabae was initiated as a response to the need for a good education while the national education system in East Timor is still experiencing uncertainty,” Fr Kasmir says.

“The situation motivated Fr Sipri Kakut SVD to implement a form of English language course which meets the interest of the students.”

Fr Kasmir says the students have made visible progress since beginning the course.

“They are now motivated to expand their knowledge, through learning,” he says. “The teaching method is to try to encourage them to read books which are available in the library, so they can become self-learners.

“This method seems to work effectively, because the students do not stop learning at memorising the materials they get in the classroom, but they are encouraged to explore their knowledge further through the books they read. Such a process is helping them to become independent students.”

Fr Kasmir says the course, which has 25 students, started earlier this year and now there is a long waiting list of students for next term.

“Many others cannot be accommodated due to a shortage of tutors,” he says.

SVD-English-language-program-for-students-in-East-TimorAt this point, Fr Sipri SVD and Sr Yuli SSpS are the only teachers looking after the students.

“In its earliest stage, this English language course has begun to bear its fruits, as the students are eager to learn and to expand their knowledge. They are very grateful to all friends and benefactors who have shown financial and emotional support for their lives.”

The Divine Word Missionaries established St Francis Parish in Atabae, and remain in pastoral ministry there. In addition, Fr Sipri Kakut SVD, Parish Priest, has started a dormitory for boys, accommodating about 30 students from the parish junior high school of St Fransiskus Asisi. At the same time, the Holy Spirit Sisters opened and are looking after the girls’ dormitory.